Chemical elements are closely related to human health. Among the six elements of carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen, oxygen, calcium and zinc, the essential trace element is _ _ _ _ _. From food.

(1) Trace elements include iron, cobalt, copper, zinc, chromium, manganese, molybdenum, chlorine, iodine and selenium *** 10. Among carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen, oxygen, calcium and zinc, zinc is an essential trace element for human body. Nutrients taken from food include sugar, oil, protein, vitamins, inorganic salts and water.

Quicklime and calcium hydroxide are very corrosive and inedible, and calcium carbonate is non-corrosive, which can react with gastric acid to generate soluble calcium chloride and be absorbed, so C is selected;

(2) If there are symptoms such as fatigue, fatigue and even coma, it means that the body is short of sugar.

(3) Eggs, meat, beans and other substances are rich in protein.

So the answer is: (1) Zn; Water; c; (2) sugar; (3) eggs.