Precautions for the elderly to fly: the elderly should be cautious when traveling, and it depends on their health when flying. For the elderly who are very old or in poor health, ask the doctor whether they can travel by plane and ask the doctor to issue a certificate. For airlines, it is also necessary to strictly control. On the ground, the staff will ask about their health. After boarding the plane, the flight attendants will also carefully understand the physical condition of the elderly. For the elderly who are unwell, they will be required to issue a health certificate or the airport doctor will decide whether they can fly.
Experts believe that the elderly, patients with hypertension, diabetes, arteriosclerosis and other diseases are sedentary for a long time, and the venous blood return of lower limbs is not good, which is easy to form lower extremity thrombosis, thus stimulating myocardial infarction, cerebral infarction and pulmonary infarction, leading to sudden death, accounting for 10% to 25% of the total deaths. Given the limited medical equipment on the plane, it is difficult to rescue them in the most effective time. Experts especially remind passengers that they have a history of diabetes, hypertension and phlebitis in the past and are not suitable for long-distance flights. If they fly long distances, they should move as much as possible in the cabin.
In addition to the above diseases, in principle, you can travel by plane. However, for the sake of health and safety, elderly passengers still need to make some preparations: 1. Healthy elderly passengers are advised to go to the hospital for routine examinations such as blood pressure, blood routine, electrocardiogram, chest X-ray and so on 10 days before boarding to evaluate cardiopulmonary function;
2. Elderly travelers with chronic diseases such as hypertension, coronary heart disease and diabetes should carry a list of their diseases and daily medication with them;
3. Emergency drugs needed for daily chronic diseases, such as:
1) Hypertension: Prepare 1 to 2 suitable first-aid antihypertensive drugs;
2) coronary heart disease: prepare nitroglycerin tablets or isosorbide dinitrate and aspirin 100mg >3 capsules;
3) Chronic cardiac insufficiency: oral diuretics and nitroglycerin tablets;
4) Asthma: Short-acting bronchodilators and a course of oral glucocorticoid for emergency use;
5) Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: when the short-acting bronchodilator appreciates, apply to the airline for oxygen inhalation service in advance;
6) Pulmonary hypertension: first aid anticoagulant, apply to the airline for oxygen inhalation service in advance;
7) Anemia: apply to the airline for oxygen inhalation in advance;