Hand washing and health

Washing hands often is the best way to avoid getting sick and prevent the spread of diseases. Washing hands only requires water and soap, or an alcoholic hand disinfectant that does not require water.

Here are the correct ways and times to wash your hands.

When do you wash your hands?

When you touch people, surfaces and other things during the day, bacteria will accumulate on your hands. And when you touch your eyes, nose or mouth, you may get these bacteria yourself. Although it is impossible to make our hands completely sterile, frequent hand washing helps to limit the spread of bacteria, viruses and other microorganisms.

Be sure to wash your hands before doing the following:

★ Cooking or eating;

★ Treat wounds, send medicines or take care of the sick and wounded;

★ Place or remove contact lenses;

Be sure to wash your hands after completing the following operations:

★ Cooking, especially handling raw meat or poultry;

★ Go to the toilet or change diapers;

★ Contact with animals or animal toys, leashes or garbage;

★ Blow your nose, cough or sneeze on your hands;

★ Treat wounds or take care of sick or injured people;

★ Dispose of garbage, household or horticultural chemicals, or anything that may be polluted, such as dirty clothes and shoes stained with dirt;

★ Shake hands with others.

Besides, wash your hands whenever your hands look dirty.

How to wash your hands?

Generally speaking, it is best to wash your hands with water and soap.

Follow these simple steps:

Wet your hands with running water-hot or cold.

★ Apply solid, liquid or powder soap.

★ Rub out the foam.

★ Rub carefully for at least 20 seconds, and remember to clean all surfaces, including the back of hand, wrist, fingertips and under nails.

★ Rinse with water.

★ Dry your hands with a clean or disposable towel or hand dryer.

★ If possible, turn off the faucet with a towel or elbow.

Remember, antibacterial soap is not more effective than ordinary soap. Using antibacterial soap may lead to drug-resistant bacteria, which will be difficult to kill in the future.

Alcohol-based hand sanitizer can be used without water, and it is an acceptable substitute for hand washing without water and soap. If hand sanitizer is used, make sure its alcohol content is not lower than 60%. Follow these simple steps:

★ Put enough dose in the palm of your hand to completely wet your hands.

★ Rub your hands and cover all surfaces until your hands are dry.

Using antibacterial wipes is also an effective choice. Also remember to buy products with sufficient alcohol content. If there are obvious stains on your hands, you still need water and soap.

Children also need to wash their hands.

Encouraging children to wash their hands regularly and correctly can help them keep healthy. Wash your hands with your children and show them the correct way to wash their hands. In order to avoid washing too fast, it is suggested that they sing "Happy Birthday" on both sides when washing their hands. If the child can't reach the washbasin by himself, put a bench next to it.

Alcohol hand sanitizer is also safe for children and minors, especially without water and soap. However, ensure that children are supervised to use alcohol disinfectants. Remind children not to touch anything else until the disinfectant is completely dry. Please put the disinfectant in a safe place after use.

Hand hygiene is particularly important in child care institutions. Children who are taken care of outside the home are more likely to suffer from respiratory and gastrointestinal infections, and are also easy to infect their families and others.

Ensure that the child care service provider allows children to wash their hands frequently or use alcohol-based hand sanitizer. Ask your child how many times a day to wash their hands-not just before meals. At the same time, pay attention to whether the bathroom is clean after each use, and whether the dining area and bathroom are separated.

Simple ways to stay healthy

Washing hands is time-consuming and laborious, but it is of great significance to prevent diseases. It is very important to form this simple good habit to protect your health.

(Compile: LW56 102)