Analysis: These are sentences describing characters, and these sentences were written by Wang Lao because he usually pays attention to observation. Wang Lao said that this was his second aunt's usual behavior, and then he applied it to the novel. It can be seen how important it is to observe more in daily life.
Structure: This paragraph mainly talks about personality, which determines her requirements for life in daily life, including the placement of items.
Imitation: After my uncle left, I could hear my aunt crying every time I was busy with farming. Crying at home and in the fields is actually a sign of weakness, and of course it is also a sign of sadness. My aunt must be very sad and her temper has gone bad when my uncle left. She is always angry with her grandmother. In fact, her grandmother is not only her mother-in-law, but also her aunt. Grandma knows aunt's suffering. Every time she is angry, grandma always keeps silent. She must have lost her son. Grandma is sad, too. At this time, grandma had tears in her muddy eyes, then sighed heavily, stood up with difficulty, swept her feet and hobbled away silently.
Imitation experience: seeing Wang Lao's words, I thought of my aunt's reaction after my uncle left. I don't know how to express it in words. In fact, after reading Wang Lao's handwriting, I found it not so difficult to write. And this memory seems to have an introduction that can be remembered at once.