What industry does the nursery stock and flower professional cooperative belong to?
The Law of People's Republic of China (PRC) on Farmers' Specialized Cooperatives (hereinafter referred to as the Law on Farmers' Specialized Cooperatives) defines farmers' specialized cooperatives as: "Farmers' specialized cooperatives are mutual-aid economic organizations that are jointly organized and democratically managed by producers and operators of similar agricultural products or providers and users of similar agricultural production and operation services on the basis of contracted management by farmers. This definition includes three aspects: first, farmers' professional cooperatives insist on household contract management as the basis; Second, farmers' professional cooperatives are composed of producers and operators of similar agricultural products or providers and users of similar agricultural production and operation services; Third, the organizational nature and function of farmers' professional cooperatives are mutual economic organizations with voluntary association and democratic management. At the same time, the law also stipulates the term of farmers' professional cooperatives from the perspective of service objects and service contents, that is, "farmers' professional cooperatives mainly serve their members and provide services such as purchasing agricultural means of production, selling, processing, transporting and storing agricultural products, and technology and information related to agricultural production and operation". More information comes from China Farmers' Cooperative Information Network.