What fruit should I eat every day to keep healthy?

1. grapefruit

It is one of the best citrus fruits on earth. It is rich in vitamins and minerals. In addition, it is also famous for promoting weight loss. In addition, it greatly reduces insulin resistance.

2. pineapple

Pineapple is one of the best tropical fruits and is known as a superstar in nutrition. It is rich in vitamin C and manganese. The bromelain content in pineapple can help you fight inflammation and greatly reduce the risk of cancer.

3. Blueberries

They are of great benefit to health. This is a very nutritious fruit. Their contents of vitamin C, fiber, vitamin K and manganese are particularly high, and their antioxidant content is also very high. These have greatly reduced the risk of chronic diseases. If you often eat heart disease, Alzheimer's disease and diabetes, it will never develop.

4. Avocado

It is completely different from all other fruits. Most fruits are rich in carbohydrates, but on the other hand, avocados are low in content. Moreover, it is made up of healthy fat. They are also rich in potassium, magnesium and fiber.

5. Apple

Apple is one of the most famous fruits. In addition, these are highly nutritious fruits. They contain a lot of fiber, potassium, vitamin C and vitamin K. In addition, they are also rich in vitamin B.

6. Pomegranate

These are one of the best and healthiest fruits you should eat every day. They are powerful plant compounds and should be eaten every day, because they have countless health benefits.


This is a nutritious fruit. The contents of vitamin C, folic acid, potassium and manganese are mainly attributed to all the benefits it provides.

8. Mango

They are rich in vitamin C and are called one of the most delicious fruits. They also contain soluble fiber, which indirectly provides many health benefits.


Bananas contain no fat or salt, so they are healthier to eat with Bigland Nora cereal bars or biscuit bags. Want to keep longer bananas? Here's a hint: the cooked bananas are in the refrigerator. Although the skin may turn brown, the fruit below can keep delicious for three to five days.