1, changes of testicular development in men
Adolescence is like a skilled magician, who can turn a chaotic child into a burly young man or a graceful girl. These changes are the result of a sharp increase in sex hormones in the body.
In addition to the changes in height and weight that are easily observed by parents, adolescent boys should also understand their sexual maturity and development.
Testosterone secreted by boys' testicles increases sharply during development, and testosterone in blood can increase by more than ten times. These androgens will make the boy's muscles develop, his shoulders are wide and hip breadth, his voice is deep, his beard is long, and his external genitals are developed, showing the posture of an adult male.
Some boys have a shrill voice in adolescence, no beard, armpit hair and pubic hair, and their sexual organs are like children, indicating that their androgen level is insufficient and their puberty development is not yet in place, which is not necessarily abnormal. The age of puberty development is influenced by many factors such as heredity, physique, nutrition, health status and geographical conditions, and there are great individual differences.
In China, the puberty of boys generally begins at the age of 10- 14, and gradually improves in five years. Therefore, if a boy under the age of 14 has no obvious physical abnormality except undeveloped, he can try to observe and wait. If you are over 14 years old, you still have no signs of puberty, or the time from puberty to the development of reproductive organs is more than 5 years, which should be regarded as delayed puberty. However, most teenagers can eventually achieve normal development, and only a few children have hypogonadism due to diseases of hypothalamus-pituitary-gonad system. This disease is difficult to heal itself without treatment.
How do you know if a boy is stunted? Testicles can be measured systematically and regularly. As we know, the earliest posture change of boys in adolescence is that the testicles begin to get bigger. In childhood, the volume of each testis is only 2-3 cubic centimeters (the size of a jujube), and it begins to increase at the age of 8- 10, and it has exceeded 5 cubic centimeters at the age of 10- 12. In adolescence, the testicles of boys grow rapidly until they reach 15-25 cubic centimeters.
Therefore, the change of testis is a sensitive index to observe the puberty development of boys. If the boy is 8- 10 years old, the testicles are gradually growing, indicating normal development. If the testicles are more than 5 cubic centimeters, it means that the drastic changes in adolescence may come within one year. If the following conditions exist at the same time: (1) 16 years old, there is still no puberty development; (2) The testicles are less than 2 cubic centimeters or Tintin is shorter than 3 centimeters; (3) Genital malformations such as hypospadias and cryptorchidism; (4) Other physical abnormalities, such as anosmia (no sense of smell), color blindness, cleft lip, cleft palate, congenital heart disease or hyperplasia of mammary glands, should be promptly checked for hypogonadism.
2, testicular care considerations
1, testis to maintain normal physiological function, it requires the best temperature is about 35 degrees Celsius, and the body temperature of 37 degrees Celsius is harmful to its function. Some patients with cryptorchidism (the testis can't descend to the scrotum normally due to embryonic development disorder) have poor sexual function or even asexual function because the testis can't function normally in a high temperature environment for a long time.
2. Due to the high temperature requirement of testis, scrotum undertakes the important task of regulating testicular temperature. When the weather is cold, the testicular temperature is too low, and the scrotal skin contracts to prevent heat loss; When the testicles are overheated, the scrotal skin will relax and dissipate heat. Men should easily understand the above changes in scrotum.
3. Advocate slightly loose pants in daily life, keep the lower body ventilated and dry, so that the testicles have a relaxed working environment, so that they can exert their maximum physiological functions. There are "purse" underwear on the market, which can effectively assist heat dissipation and maintain the healthy environment of testicles.