How much blood pressure is healthy?

The normal blood pressure range is: systolic blood pressure 140-90 mmHg, diastolic blood pressure 90-60mmHg. The average blood pressure of normal young adults in China is 1 10/70mmHg, which is generally in the range of 90- 120/60-80 mmHg. Systolic blood pressure increases with age. For every increase of 10 years old over 40 years old, systolic blood pressure increases by 10 mmhg, and diastolic blood pressure is about 80mmHg. The blood pressure standard recommended by the World Health Organization (Who) is that the systolic blood pressure of normal adults should be less than or equal to 140mmHg( 18.6kPa) and the diastolic blood pressure should be less than or equal to 90mmHg( 12kPa). That is, the systolic blood pressure is between141-159mmhg (18.9-21.2kpa) and the diastolic blood pressure is between 91-94mmhg (12). When diagnosing hypertension, the blood pressure must be measured several times, and the average diastolic pressure of at least two consecutive times is above 90mmHg( 12.0kPa), so as to diagnose hypertension. Only one patient with elevated blood pressure cannot be diagnosed, but follow-up observation is needed.