Does the crown need to grind healthy teeth?

Try not to hurt adjacent teeth. If the root is healthy and long enough (at least 12MM), the root of a bad tooth can be used for post-crown restoration. If the root of a bad tooth is also pulled out, you can consider implant repair without moving the next tooth. The cost of planting and restoration is a bit expensive (Shanghai10.5 million or so), but it is still very cost-effective in the long run. Grinding off the next tooth is a great loss. In the near future, planting restoration will be very popular. If it really doesn't work, use "removable restoration" to make the transition, and keep the "missing tooth space" to prepare for future implant restoration.


1. Try not to grind a tooth.

2. Try not to kill your nerves, even if you gnash your teeth.

3. If you don't want to grind your teeth and don't have the conditions to do "implant restoration", you must use "movable restoration" to keep the gap, otherwise there will be no way to reduce the gap in the future.

4. The teeth after piling and the good teeth next to them will not be stronger if they are repaired together. This is a misunderstanding of many doctors, and it is very wrong to think that several teeth are stronger together.

5. Ask more questions before handling, and ask clearly before making a decision. Don't worry. .

Here's to health! ! ! !