What is the explosion rate of equipment in Anhui?

, [] weapons] wear:

[Brisa-do-Kenan] (crossbow) buri za-Do Kyanon[ crossbow]:

Rare assessment: common

Transaction value ratio: 2%

1: 657 Diablo-(nightmare)

1: 665 mephistopheles-(nightmare)

1: 680-(nightmare)

1: 707 Andariel-[Hell]

1: 757 mephistopheles-[Hell]

1: 778 Diablo-[Hell]

1: 784 bar-[hell]


[Eagle Horn] (Crusader Bow) Eagle Horn [Crusader Bow]:

Evaluation of rarity: ordinary

Transaction value ratio: 0%


1: 1278 Diablo-[Hell]

1: 84 14 mephistopheles-[Hell]

1: 8566 Lassek-[Hell]

[Force of Wind] (Hydra Bow) Wind [Hydra Bow]:

Evaluation of rarity: rarity

Transaction value ratio: 100%

1: 15792 Bar-[Hell]

1: 2 1896 frozen monster (ACT5 glacier)-[hell]

1: 2 1896 grumpy skin-[hell]

1: 22007 Resurrection of Master Skeleton (ACT5 Arit Plateau)-[Hell] (irregular hidden gold little BOSS)

1: 22007 act 5 Ariet plateau-[Hell]

[Devil's parabola] (spear of efreet) Devil's bow [spear of Baroque]:

Rare assessment: common

Transaction value ratio: 0.5%

1: 63 1 Diablo-[Hell]

1: 637 Bar-[Hell]

Mephistopheles 1:745-[ Hell]

1: 4902 Lassek-[Hell]

[Ghost flies at night] (Ghost refers to gun) Ghost flies [Ghost Glaive]:

Rare assessment: common

Transaction value ratio: 20%

1: 922 bar-[hell]

1: 13 13 Diablo-[Hell]

1: 7078 Lassek-[Hell]

[Gargoyle's Bite] (Wing Harpoon) Gargoyle's Bite [Wing Harpoon]:

Evaluation of rarity: rarity

Transaction value ratio: 0.5%

1: 15792 Bar-[Hell]

1: 2 1896 frozen monster (ACT5 glacier)-[hell]

1: 2 1896 grumpy skin-[hell]

1: 2 1896 Crusher (Ice Room in Act 5)-[Hell]

1: 22007 Resurrection of Master Skeleton (ACT5 Arit Plateau)-[Hell] (irregular hidden gold little BOSS)

1: 22007 act 5 Ariet plateau-[Hell]

[Ripper] (wing axe) Ripper [wing axe]:

Rare assessment: common

Transaction value ratio: 5%

1: 924 bar-[hell]

1: 13 16 Diablo-[Hell]

1: 7097 Lassek-[Hell]

[White Bone Shadow] (Lich Staff) Bone Shadow [Lich Wand]:

Evaluation of rarity: ordinary

Transaction value ratio: 100%

1: 1525 Diablo-[Hell]

1: 1540 Bar-[Hell]

Mephistopheles City-[Hell]

1: 1 1837 Lassek-[Hell]

[The Net of Death] (Breaking the Hidden Staff) The Net of Death [Unearthed Wand]:

Evaluation of rarity: very rare

Transaction value ratio: 100%

1: 47488 Bar-[Hell]

1: 65856 frozen monster (ACT5 glacier)-[hell]

1: 65856 grumpy skin-[hell]

1: 65856 Crusher (the fifth ice room)-[Hell]

1: 66 189 resurrected skeleton master (ACT5 Ariet Plateau)-[Hell] (small BOSS with irregular gold)

1: 66 189-[Hell]

[Lightsaber] Lightsaber [phase blade]:

Rare assessment: common

Transaction value ratio: 2%

1: 607 Diablo-[Hell]

1: 6 13 Bar-[Hell]

1: 1 122 mephistopheles-[Hell]

Ni Lassek-[Hell]

[Blade of Alibaba] (Full Moon Machete) Blade of Alibaba [Talvard]:

Rare assessment: common

Transaction value ratio: 0.2%

1: 554 Andariel-(nightmare)

Murphy stowe-(nightmare)

1: 607 Diablo-(nightmare)

1: 629 bar-(nightmare)

1: 654 Andariel-[Hell]

1: 699 mephistopheles-[Hell]

1: 7 17 Diablo-[Hell]

1: 723 bar-[hell]

1: 976 bar



【 Leader 】 (sword) 【 Leader, sword 】:

Rare assessment: common

Transaction value ratio: 5%

1: 748 mephistopheles-(nightmare)

1: 780 Diablo-(nightmare)

1: 809 bar-(nightmare)


1: 899 mephistopheles-[Hell]


1: 932 bar-[hell]



[Doom Warrior] (Champion's Sword) Doom Warrior [Champion's Sword]:

Evaluation of rarity: ordinary

Transaction value ratio: 100%


1: 1278 Diablo-[Hell]

1: 84 14 mephistopheles-[Hell]

1: 8566 Lassek-[Hell]

[Grandpa] (Blade of the Great God) Grandpa [Blade of the Colossus]:

Evaluation of rarity: rarity

Transaction value ratio: 100%

1: 15792 Bar-[Hell]

1: 2 1896 frozen monster (ACT5 glacier)-[hell]

1: 2 1896 grumpy skin-[hell]

1: 2 1896 Crusher (Ice Room in Act 5)-[Hell]

[Blue Wrath] (Blade of Illusion) Azurewrath [Phase Blade]:

Rare degree evaluation: difficult to get out

Transaction value ratio: 100%

1: 3035 Diablo-[Hell]

1: 3065 bar-[hell]

Mephistopheles, 1:5609-[ Hell]

[rib crusher] (six-foot-long stick) rib crusher [short stick]:

Evaluation of rarity: ordinary

Transaction value ratio: 20%

1: 1 140 Andariel-(nightmare)

1: 1 186 column

1: 13 14 Diablo-(nightmare)

1: 136 1 bar-(nightmare)


Mephistopheles City-[Hell]

1: 1553 Diablo-[Hell]

1: 1566 Bar-[Hell]



[The Wisdom of Ornde] (Elder Staff) The Wisdom of Agndal [Elder Staff]

Evaluation of rarity: ordinary

Transaction value ratio: 100%

1: 152 1 Diablo-[Hell]

1: 1536 Bar-[Hell]

Mephistopheles City-[Hell]

1: 1 1804 Lassek-[Hell]

[The lesson of Meg's song] (The consul's staff) The lesson of Mang Song [The consul's staff]

Rarity evaluation: very rare

Transaction value ratio: 100%

1: 47375 bar-[hell]

1: 65689 frozen monster (ACT5 glacier)-[hell]

1: 65689 grumpy skin-[hell]

1: 65689 Crusher (the fifth ice room)-[Hell]

[Light of heaven] (powerful scepter) Light of heaven [powerful scepter]:

Rare degree evaluation: difficult to get out

Transaction value ratio: 25%


Mephistopheles 1:3684-[ Hell]


1: 3824 bar-[hell]


1: 8 178-(nightmare)

[Love stron's Iron Reserve] (Staff of God) Astron's Iron Enchantment [Caderousse]:

Evaluation of rarity: very rare

Transaction value ratio: 100%

1: 47375 bar-[hell]

1: 65689 frozen monster (ACT5 glacier)-[hell]

1: 65689 grumpy skin-[hell]

1: 65689 Crusher (the fifth ice room)-[Hell]

1: 66022 resurrected skeleton master (ACT5 Arit Plateau)-[Hell] (small BOSS with irregular gold)

1: 66022 (ACT5 Ariet Plateau)-[ hell]

[Blade] (Combat) Razor Edge [Tomahawk]:

Rare assessment: common

Transaction value ratio: 0. 1%

1: 605 bar-(nightmare)

1: 629 Andariel-[Hell]

1: 673 mephistopheles-[Hell]

1: 69 1 Diablo-[Hell]

1: 698 Bar-[Hell]


1: 5375 Lassek-[Hell]

1: 5502 Summoner-[Hell]

[Rune Master] (Double Axe) Rune Master [Etienne Axe]:

Rare assessment: common

Transaction value ratio: 0%

1: 630 Diablo-[Hell]

1: 636 Bar-[Hell]

Mephistopheles 1:743-[ Hell]

Ni Lassek-[Hell]

[Knife of Death] (Berserker Axe) Death cleaver [Berserker Axe]:

Evaluation of rarity: rarity

Transaction value ratio: 100%

1: 15792 Bar-[Hell]

1: 2 1896 frozen monster (ACT5 glacier)-[hell]

1: 2 1896 grumpy skin-[hell]

1: 2 1896 Crusher (Ice Room in Act 5)-[Hell]

1: 22007 Resurrection of Master Skeleton (ACT5 Arit Plateau)-[Hell] (irregular hidden gold little BOSS)

1: 22007 act 5 Ariet plateau-[Hell]

【 knot of the storm 】 (the hammer of punishment) Stormlash 【 natural disaster 】:

Rare degree evaluation: difficult to get out

Transaction value ratio: 100%

1: 6670 bar-[Hell]

1: 7650 Diablo-[Hell]

【 Hammer of schaffer 】 (legendary hammer) Hammer of schaffer 【 legendary hammer 】:

Rare degree evaluation: difficult to get out

Transaction value ratio: 0%

1: 627 1 bar-[hell]

[Brain Hammer] (Hammer of Thunder) Cranium Masher [Hammer of Thunder]:

Evaluation of rarity: very rare

Transaction value ratio: 2.5%

1: 3 1583 Bar-[Hell]

1: 43793 frozen monster (ACT5 glacier)-[hell]

1: 43793 grumpy skin-[hell]

1: 43793 Crusher (the fifth ice room)-[Hell]

[iron column] (war gun) steel column [war pike]:

Evaluation of rarity: rarity

Transaction value ratio: 100%

1: 15792 Bar-[Hell]

1: 2 1896 frozen monster (ACT5 glacier)-[hell]

1: 2 1896 grumpy skin-[hell]

1: 2 1896 Crusher (Ice Room in Act 5)-[Hell]

1: 22007 Resurrection of Master Skeleton (ACT5 Arit Plateau)-[Hell] (irregular hidden gold little BOSS)

1: 22007 act 5 Ariet plateau-[Hell]

[Eric's Needle] (Hyperion's Spear) Ariok's Needle [Hyperion's Spear]:

Rare assessment: common

Transaction value ratio: 1.7%

Mephistopheles City-[Hell]

1: 443 Diablo-[Hell]

1: 447 bar-[hell]

1: 940 Durrell-[Hell]

1: 3439 Lassek-[Hell]

【 osteoclast 】 (axe of ogre) Bonehew 【 axe of ogre 】:

Rare assessment: common

Transaction value ratio: 5%

1: 422 Andariel-[Hell]

Mephistopheles 1:433-[ Hell]

1: 445 Diablo-[Hell]

1: 449 bar-[hell]

1: 509 bar-(nightmare)

1: 945 Durrell-[Hell]

[Water demon trap] (devil's fork) kelpie snake [fuscina]:

Rare assessment: common

Transaction value ratio: 5%


1: 396 bar

Murphy stowe-(nightmare)

1: 439 Diablo-(nightmare)

1: 455 bar-(nightmare)

1: 473 Andariel-[Hell]

1: 505 mephistopheles-[Hell]

1: 5 19 Diablo-[Hell]

1: 523 Bar-[Hell]

[Hongsendan] (Trident pike) Horn Sun Dan [Al]:

Rare assessment: common

Transaction value ratio: 5%

Murphy stowe-(nightmare)

1: 669 Diablo-(nightmare)

1: 693 bar-(nightmare)


Mephistopheles City-[Hell]

1: 793 Diablo-[Hell]

1: 799 Bar-[Hell]



[Death knell] (sharp axe) Death knell of the reaper [thresher]:

Rare assessment: common

Transaction value ratio: 100%

1: 63 1 Diablo-[Hell]

1: 637 Bar-[Hell]

Mephistopheles 1:745-[ Hell]

1: 4902 Lassek-[Hell]

[Storm steeple] (shark's tail axe) Storm steeple [giant long-tailed shark]:

Evaluation of rarity: rarity

Transaction value ratio: 100%

1: 15792 Bar-[Hell]

1: 2 1896 frozen monster (ACT5 glacier)-[hell]

1: 2 1896 grumpy skin-[hell]

1: 2 1896 Crusher (Ice Room in Act 5)-[Hell]

1: 22007 Resurrection of Master Skeleton (ACT5 Arit Plateau)-[Hell] (irregular hidden gold little BOSS)

1: 22007 act 5 Ariet plateau-[Hell]

[Tomb Raider] (mysterious axe) Tom Brewer [Cyrptic axe]:

Rare assessment: common

Transaction value ratio: 15%

1: 922 bar-[hell]

1: 13 13 Diablo-[Hell]

1: 7078 Lassek-[Hell]

Widower maker

Rare assessment: common

Transaction value ratio: 100%

1: 924 bar-[hell]

1: 13 16 Diablo-[Hell]

1: 7097 Lassek-[Hell]


Nine, [belt] belt:

[Long string ears] (magic leather moving belt) string ears [Demonhide belt]:

Rare assessment: common

Transaction value ratio: 6%

1: 444 Andariel-(nightmare)

1: 457 bar

Mephistopheles 1:490- (nightmare)

1: 5 12 Diablo-(nightmare)

1: 529 bar-(nightmare)


1: 588 mephistopheles-[Hell]

1: 604 Diablo-[Hell]

1: 609 Bar-[Hell]


[Conflict of Snow] (battlefield belt) snowlash [battlefield belt]:

Evaluation of rarity: ordinary

Transaction value ratio: 2.5%

1: 1430-(nightmare)

1: 1462 Diablo-(nightmare)


1: 1592 mephistopheles-[Hell]

1: 1634 Diablo-[Hell]

1: 165 1 bar-[hell]

Mephistopheles, 1: 1967- (nightmare)

1: 3470 Durrell-[Hell]

[Force of Raytheon] (war zone) Raytheon's vitality [war zone]:

Evaluation of rarity: ordinary

Transaction value ratio: 100%

1: 1008-(nightmare)


Murphy Stowe-[Hell]

1: 1 152 Diablo-[Hell]

1: 1 163 Bar-[Hell]

1: 1303 Diablo-(nightmare)

1: 2447 Durrell-[Hell]

1: 6004 mephistopheles-(nightmare)

1: 8 192 Lassek-(nightmare)

1: 8958 Lassek-[Hell]

[Spider Web] (Spider Web Belt) Spider Web [Spider Web Belt]:

Evaluation of rarity: ordinary

Transaction value ratio: 100%

Mephistopheles, 1 1 14

1: 1 144 Diablo-[Hell]

1: 1 156-[Hell]

1: 2427 Durrell-[Hell]

1: 8889 Lassek-[Hell]

[Verdungo's Knot] (Secret Silver Belt) Verdungo's Cord [Secret Silver Coil]:

Rare assessment: common

Transaction value ratio: 17%

1: 837 Diablo-[Hell]

1: 846 Bar-[Hell]

Murphy Stowe-[Hell]

Ni Lassek-[Hell]


Eight, [boots] boots:

[Floating on the water] (Shark boots) Walking on the water [Shark boots]:

Rare assessment: common

Transaction value ratio: 0.2%

1: 754 Andariel-(nightmare)

Murphy stowe-(nightmare)

1: 825 Diablo-(nightmare)

1: 855 bar-(nightmare)

1: 890 Andariel-[Hell]

Mephistopheles City-[Hell]


1: 985 bar-[hell]

1: 1329 bar


[Carnivorous Knight] (Boots of War) Golmud [Boots]:

Evaluation of rarity: ordinary

Transaction value ratio: 100%

1: 1008-(nightmare)


Murphy Stowe-[Hell]

1: 1 152 Diablo-[Hell]

1: 1 163 Bar-[Hell]

1: 1303 Diablo-(nightmare)

1: 2447 Durrell-[Hell]

1: 6004 mephistopheles-(nightmare)

1: 8 192 Lassek-(nightmare)

1: 8958 Lassek-[Hell]

[War Journey] (boots on the battlefield) War traveler [boots]:

Evaluation of rarity: ordinary

Transaction value ratio: 100%

1: 1430-(nightmare)

1: 1462 Diablo-(nightmare)


1: 1592 mephistopheles-[Hell]

1: 1634 Diablo-[Hell]

1: 165 1 bar-[hell]

Mephistopheles, 1: 1967- (nightmare)

1: 3470 Durrell-[Hell]

[Dust Storm Tour] (Scarab Boots) Dust Storm Tour [Scarab Shell Boots]:

Rare assessment: common

Transaction value ratio: 100%

Mephistopheles 1:740-[ Hell]

1: 760 Diablo-[Hell]

1: 768 Bar-[Hell]



1: 5908 Lassek-[Hell]

1: 6207 Rodinment-[Hell]

[Bone marrow walking] (bone boots) Marrowwalk [bone woven boots]:

Rare assessment: common

Transaction value ratio: 50%

1: 964 Diablo-[Hell]

1: 973 Bar-[Hell]

Murphy, Stowe, 1 139-[ Hell]

1: 7487 Lassek-[Hell]

[Shadow Dancer] (Boots) Shadow Dancer [Mimiden Greaves]:

Evaluation of rarity: rarity

Transaction value ratio: 50%

1: 1930 1 bar-[hell]

1: 25272 frozen monster (ACT5 glacier)-[hell]

1: 25272 grumpy skin-[hell]

1: 25272 Crusher (the fifth ice room)-[Hell]

1: 25400 Resurrection of Master Skeleton (ACT5 Arit Plateau)-[Hell] (irregular hidden gold little BOSS)

1: 25400 (act 5 Ariet Plateau)-[ Hell]


Seven, "gloves" gloves:

[Lucky Guard] (Chain Gloves) Opportunity Guard [Chain Gloves]:

Rare assessment: flood

Transaction value ratio: 7%

Mephistopheles, 1: 276

1: 302 Diablo

1: 324 bar

1: 356 Andariel-(nightmare)

1: 392 mephistopheles-(nightmare)

1: 409 Diablo-(nightmare)

1: 422 bar-(nightmare)

1: 439 Andariel-[Hell]

1: 455 Durrell

Mephistopheles 1:468-[ Hell]

【 ZhuoGula 】 (vampire bone gloves) delacour grass 【 vampire bone gloves 】:

Evaluation of rarity: ordinary

Transaction value ratio: 17%

1:1119 mephistopheles-[Hell]


1: 1 162 Bar-[Hell]

1: 2442 Durrell-[Hell]

1: 8936 Lassek-[Hell]

[Soul Absorber] (vampire) Soul Absorber [vampire]:

Evaluation of rarity: ordinary

Transaction value ratio: 25%

1: 1290 Diablo-[Hell]

1: 1302 Bar-[Hell]

Murphy Stowe-[Hell]


[Broken steel] (Ogre iron gloves) Steel torn [Ogre hand guard]:

Evaluation of rarity: rarity

Transaction value ratio: 35%

1: 1930 1 bar-[hell]

1: 25272 frozen monster (ACT5 glacier)-[hell]

1: 25272 grumpy skin-[hell]

1: 25272 Crusher (the fifth ice room)-[Hell]

1: 25400 Resurrection of Master Skeleton (ACT5 Arit Plateau)-[Hell] (irregular hidden gold little BOSS)

1: 25400 (act 5 Ariet Plateau)-[ Hell]


Six, "shield" shield:

[magic dragon blames] (Long Dun) Tiamat rebukes [Long Dun]:

Evaluation of rarity: ordinary

Transaction value ratio: 9%


1: 1064 Diablo-(nightmare)

1: 1 103-(nightmare)

1: 1 147 Andariel-[Hell]

1: 1227 mephistopheles-[Hell]

1: 1260 Diablo-[Hell]

1: 1272 Bar-[Hell]

1: 2677 Durrell-[Hell]

1: 2809 Durrell-(nightmare)

[Warning Wall] (Cold Shield) Uncovered Wall [Cold Shield]:

Rare assessment: common

Transaction value ratio: 2%

1: 483 Diablo-(nightmare)

1: 489 mephistopheles-(nightmare)

1: 500-(nightmare)


1: 556 mephistopheles-[Hell]

1: 572 Diablo-[Hell]

1: 577 bar-[hell]



1: 3633 Ni Lassek-(nightmare)

[Black Oak Shield] (Moon Elf Shield) Black Oak Shield [luna]:

Evaluation of rarity: ordinary

Transaction value ratio: 2%

Mephistopheles, 1 1 14

1: 1 144 Diablo-[Hell]

1: 1 156-[Hell]


1: 2427 Durrell-[Hell]

1: 4945 bar-(nightmare)

【 Root of Spike 】 (Blade Shield) Spike 【 Blade Barrier 】:

Evaluation of rarity: ordinary

Transaction value ratio: 0.5%

1: 1286 Diablo-[Hell]

1: 1299 Bar-[Hell]

Murphy Stowe-[Hell]


1: 9986 Lassek-[Hell]

[Shield of Storm] (Shield of Ruler) Shield of Storm [Sovereign]:

Rare assessment: common

Transaction value ratio: 100%

1: 964 Diablo-[Hell]

1: 973 Bar-[Hell]

Murphy, Stowe, 1 139-[ Hell]

1: 7487 Lassek-[Hell]


Verb (short for verb) [Armor] Armor:

[Snake Magician's Skin] (Sea Snake Skin Armor) vipermagi's Skin [Snake Skin Armor]:

Rare assessment: common

Transaction value ratio: 13%

1: 444 Andariel-(nightmare)

1: 457 bar

Mephistopheles 1:490- (nightmare)

1: 5 12 Diablo-(nightmare)

1: 529 bar-(nightmare)


1: 588 mephistopheles-[Hell]

1: 604 Diablo-[Hell]

1: 609 Bar-[Hell]


[Guardian Angel] (Templar robe) Guardian Angel [Templar coat]:

Evaluation of rarity: ordinary

Transaction value ratio: 100%

1: 1002-(nightmare)


1:1115 mephistopheles-[Hell]

1: 1 147 Diablo-[Hell]

1: 1 157 Bar-[Hell]

1: 1295 Diablo-(nightmare)

1: 2435 Durrell-[Hell]

Mephistopheles 1:5976- (nightmare)

1: 8 150 ni Lassek-(nightmare)

1: 89 10 Lassek-[Hell]

[shaft steinbu] (mesh armor) shaft stop[ mesh armor]:

Evaluation of rarity: ordinary

Transaction value ratio: 100%


1: 1064 Diablo-(nightmare)

1: 1 103-(nightmare)

1: 1 147 Andariel-[Hell]

1: 1227 mephistopheles-[Hell]

1: 1260 Diablo-[Hell]

1: 1272 Bar-[Hell]

1: 2677 Durrell-[Hell]

1: 2809 Durrell-(nightmare)

1: 8007 Ni Lassek-(nightmare)

[scottie's Wrath] (rozelle Armor) skyler's Wrath [reddish brown armor]:

Evaluation of rarity: ordinary

Transaction value ratio: 100%

1: 1430-(nightmare)

1: 1462 Diablo-(nightmare)


1: 1592 mephistopheles-[Hell]

1: 1634 Diablo-[Hell]

1: 165 1 bar-[hell]

Mephistopheles, 1: 1967- (nightmare)

1: 3470 Durrell-[Hell]

[Olmas robe] (Twilight shroud) Olmas robe [Twilight shroud]:

Rare assessment: common

Transaction value ratio: 15%

1: 737 mephistopheles-[Hell]

1: 758 Diablo-[Hell]

1: 766 bar-[hell]


1: 589 1 Lassek-[Hell]

[Fighter's nemesis] (sheepskin armor) Gladiator's nemesis [steel wool]:

Rare assessment: common

Transaction value ratio: 5%

1: 959 Diablo-[Hell]

1: 969 Bar-[Hell]

1: 1 132 mephistopheles-[Hell]

1: 7449 Lassek-[Hell]

[Glory of Hakni] (efreet leather armor) Alcain's bravery [Baroque skin]:

Evaluation of rarity: ordinary

Transaction value ratio: 50%

1: 152 1 bar-[hell]

1: 1745 Diablo-[Hell]

1: 1 1487 mephistopheles-[Hell]

[Leviathan, Neptune] (shell armor of siren) Leviathan [Kraken Tentacles Of The Deep shell]:

Evaluation of rarity: ordinary

Transaction value ratio: 50%

1: 1235-[Hell]

1: 1759 Diablo-[Hell]

1: 9485 Lassek-[Hell]

[Power of Templar] (Holy armour) Power of Templar [Holy armour]:

Evaluation of rarity: rarity

Transaction value ratio: 0.3%

1: 2 17 14-[Hell]

1: 25272 frozen monster (ACT5 glacier)-[hell]

1: 25272 grumpy skin-[hell]

1: 25272 Crusher (the fifth ice room)-[Hell]

1: 25400 Resurrection of Master Skeleton (ACT5 Arit Plateau)-[Hell] (irregular hidden gold little BOSS)

1: 25400 (act 5 Ariet Plateau)-[ Hell]