Five colors refer to cyan, yellow, red, white and black, that is, black and white plus three primary colors. Theoretically, other colors can be called out by these five colors. So it can refer to various colors. Gold, wood, water, fire and earth are collectively called the five elements. The five elements are the five operating states of qi and the result of qi operation, and "moving" is movement. Ancient philosophers in China used the theory of five elements to explain the formation of all things in the world and their relationships.
Jin Mu's fire, water and earth are intrinsically related to the five petals of plum blossom, while the ancient "seal of plum blossom" stands for "happiness, happiness, health, peace and longevity", emphasizing the overall concept, aiming at describing the movement form and transformation relationship of things. Yin and Yang are the ancient theory of unity of opposites, and the five elements are the original general system theory.
Regardless of time, heaven and earth are called chaotic state. Heaven and earth are mixed together, the sun, the moon and the stars are not born, and there is no alternation between cold and summer. There is no wind, no rain, no lightning, no vegetation, no mountains, no rivers, no people, no birds, no insects and no animals below. At this time, a kind of aura was running inside, so water was born from Taiyi, fire was born from the beginning, wood was born from the beginning, gold was born from Tai Su, and Taiji was unearthed. The five elements come from this.
Matter in the world can be divided into five categories: wood, fire, earth, gold and water. Five things correspond to five colors, namely, blue, red, yellow, white and black, which are reflected in people's body and mind and respectively correspond to sadness, panic, celebration, crying and disease. Among the five elements, wood, fire, gold and water are the main seasons. For example, spring is the growing period of flowers and trees, so the wood is the most prosperous, that is, the king. Wood fires are two flourishing, that is, the phase, while gold is in a state of imprisonment, because the two flourishing fires are restrained, and the soil and water consumed by the most prosperous wood are dying.