How to get from Chengdu Chengdong Passenger Transport Center to the Reproductive Specialist Hospital affiliated to Sichuan Reproductive Health Research Center?

The Reproductive Specialist Hospital affiliated to Sichuan Reproductive Health Research Center is a public medical institution engaged in professional research and clinical diagnosis and treatment of sexual reproductive health and infertility. Take chengdu-chongqing railway Line 2 and Line 4 to Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and walk 300 meters from Exit K to Sichuan Reproductive Hospital. Zhidao Bus Line: 1 1 Bus No.27, Bus No.34, Bus No.43 129 Bus No.G27 Bus No. G34 bus number Qingyang Community (after getting off the bus, it is 320 meters south of the First Ring Road). You can click on official website below for online consultation and appointment registration.