Rust, the scientific name of traditional Chinese medicine. Also known as iron clothes. It is a reddish-brown rust layer formed by iron oxidation in the air. It is produced all over the country. Has the effects of clearing away heat and toxic materials, calming the heart and calming the liver. Indications include scabies, toxic swelling, lacquered sores, aphtha, heavy tongue, scabies, scald, poisonous insect sting, beriberi and epilepsy. Iron pot, rust, kitchen knife, etc. It's all rusty. After soaking in rice washing water for several months, the surface will be clean and no rust will be seen.
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Methods to prevent rust
1, reduce contact with water or reduce air humidity, such as some household cookers or tools, clean them, dry them and put them in a dry and ventilated place. Wash the wok and dry it with fire, otherwise it will rust if there is water in it.
2, iron appliances don't contact with salt, vinegar, alkaline substances, in case of oxidation reaction. For example, spoons should not touch salt, and knives that have cut lemons or oranges should be dried.
3. Some tools and furniture that are not in contact with food can be painted or oiled regularly to prevent corrosion. For example, doors and windows can be painted regularly, and electrical appliances can be properly oiled.
4. Some iron appliances and tools that are not commonly used can be sealed and preserved, such as sealed with oil paper, or put in a sealed box, then put in a desiccant, or packaged and preserved in a plastic film bag.
5. When purchasing tools, try to choose alloy materials or coated tools, such as stainless steel kitchenware, non-stick pan, galvanized steel tools, etc.
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/ _13731830.htm "target =" _ blank "title =" xinhuanet-how to remove rust?