Clinical medicine (direction of rehabilitation medicine), clinical medicine (direction of geriatrics), clinical medicine (direction of medical beauty), clinical medicine (direction of health care), prosthetic orthopedic engineering, hearing and speech rehabilitation, acupuncture and massage, maternal and child health care medicine, global health science and other majors will be offered.
Zhejiang University School of Health:
The Great Health College planned by Zhejiang University will give full play to the multidisciplinary advantages of Zhejiang University and cultivate the world's top compound talents with global vision and social responsibility, strong cross-cultural communication skills, solving global health problems and leading the future.
At the same time, it will accelerate the integration of Internet, big data technology and health industry, respond to human health challenges in a cross-disciplinary and interdisciplinary way, and promote the healthy development of human beings with the help of scientific and technological forces.
Refer to the above? Baidu encyclopedia-Zhejiang university onehealth college