What are the contents of the textbook "Physical Education and Health" in primary and secondary schools of nine-year compulsory education?

Let me help you answer, I hope you are satisfied. 1. learning field: in the course of physical education and health, the learning category is divided according to the nature of the learning content. 2. Domain objectives: refers to the expected learning effect in each learning field, and the curriculum objectives are achieved through the achievement of the objectives in each learning field. Sports participation goal: sports skill goal: physical health goal: mental health goal: social adaptation goal: 3. Horizontal goal: refers to the expected learning results in different stages and fields. Level 1: compulsory education stage 1 ~ 2 level 2: compulsory education stage 3 ~ 4 level 3: compulsory education stage 5 ~ 6 level 4: compulsory education stage 7 ~ 9 level 5: high school stage 10 ~ 12 level 6: as the development and learning goal of high school students. 4. Why should we divide learning levels? What is the basis? Basis: According to the characteristics of learning stage, students' physical and mental development characteristics are graded. 1. It is beneficial to adapt to the differences among regions, schools and students in China. 2. It is conducive to mobilizing the enthusiasm of schools and students.