Can Coca-Cola be drunk?

You can drink it, but it is not recommended to drink it often.

Coke is mainly composed of syrup and carbon dioxide gas. No nutrition for the body.

Regular drinking of cola will not only lead to obesity, but also lead to dental caries, osteoporosis and heart disease. It is also a potential risk factor for modern diseases such as diabetes. Not to mention the harm of pigments, spices, caramel and other additives contained in cola to human body, only caffeine is a substance harmful to health.

Coca-Cola and grapes are Hong Kong people's favorite drinks, but a survey by the School of Dentistry of the University of Hong Kong shows that if you drink three cans a day for many years, you may have a toothache.

The School of Dentistry of the University of Hong Kong randomly sampled 20 kinds of paper-packed, canned and bottled beverages containing acidity and sugar, and found that 18 kinds of beverages had high acidity, which could dissolve tooth enamel, among which the acidity of cola and grapes was much higher than the index. The professor of dentistry pointed out that if you drink 1 liter of acidic and sugary drinks every day for 1 to 2 years, the enamel on the tooth surface will be corroded by acid.

Prince Philip Dental Hospital receives nearly 20 complicated cases of teeth being corroded by acidic drinks every year. Some patients drink several cans or bottles of coke every day, and almost all the enamel that protects their teeth is corroded by acid. The pH value is between 1 and 14 degrees, and 7 degrees is neutral. If the acidity of the beverage is lower than 5.5pH, the enamel can be dissolved.

Caffeine is a drug that can excite the central nervous system, heart and blood vessels and damage memory. In addition, for children, caffeine is irritating, which can stimulate gastric peristalsis and gastric acid secretion, causing intestinal spasm. Children who often drink coffee are prone to unexplained abdominal pain, and long-term excessive intake of caffeine can lead to chronic gastritis.

Caffeine can dilate capillaries in gastrointestinal wall, stimulate renal function, increase renal water flow, lead to polyuria in children, increase calcium excretion, and affect children's bone development. At the same time, caffeine can also destroy vitamin B 1 in children, causing vitamin B 1 deficiency.

A can of 355ml cola contains 65mg of caffeine, a can of 350ml oolong tea contains 80- 120mg of caffeine, and a cup of instant coffee contains 85-200mg of caffeine. Normal people should not consume more than 200 mg of caffeine every day, otherwise they may be chronically poisoned. Children should stay away from coffee and drink caffeinated drinks as little as possible.

And some chemicals in cola, such as sodium, can raise blood pressure. Experts warn that high blood pressure will increase people's risk of heart disease, stroke and kidney disease, which cannot be ignored.