What is the correct sleeping position?
There is a misunderstanding about the correct sleeping position. It has been suggested that sleeping on the right side is the best sleeping position, which does not affect the heart and breathing, and the head facing north and the feet facing south are more suitable for the magnetic fields of the South Pole and the North Pole. In fact, this statement has no scientific basis. A comfortable and relaxed sleeping position is the best. The left lateral position may not affect the heart, but various postures such as prone position, supine position and right lateral position can be used, because people can't keep a posture forever when sleeping, and they should turn over in a relaxed sleep state, constantly adjust and turn over, taking the most comfortable posture and not affecting breathing and circulation as the standard. If the pillow is not high or low, it is best to use a neck pillow, and the bed board should not be too soft, just moderate. Under such conditions, it is best to relax in a natural posture, turn over naturally, and face north, south, east and west, mainly depending on the most comfortable and convenient sleeping environment.