Precautionary measures before school starts

1. Students with conditions should use public transport as little as possible and take private cars, bicycles or walk to and from school as appropriate.

2. If you have to take public transportation, you need to wear a mask all the time, try to avoid touching things on the car with your hands, and wash your hands in time after getting off.

When you go to the classroom, try to take the stairs.

4. After touching the common plane that people often touch, such as elevator buttons and door handles, wash your hands carefully according to the seven-step washing method.

Wash your hands carefully before and after meals.

6. When you are not sure whether your hands are clean, don't touch your mouth, pick your nose or rub your eyes.

7. If you need to sneeze or cough, try to avoid others and cover your mouth and nose with a paper towel or elbow.

8. Don't eat takeout, try to bring your own tableware to avoid multi-person dinner.

9. Don't get together to study or play after class or after school.

10. If you find any discomfort such as fever or cough during school, you should immediately report to the teacher and seek medical treatment or isolation as soon as possible.