Adidas adidas sports fashion/personal care-perfume 1949 Germany, a 3, di 1, da 4, si 0
Adobe owns photoshop and other products, computer software 1982 USA, a 3, dao 1, bi 4.
Audi Audi 19 10 Germany, ao 1, di 0
Bosch & Dr. Healthy Eye Care 1853 USA, Bao 4, Shi 4,&; Part of the pronunciation is the same as the letter n, lang 4, be 0.
Bakers Beer Beverage-Alcoholic Beverage 1873 Germany, White 4, Ke 0, Si 0
Belgin Belgin Electronic Products-Computer External Accessories 1983 USA, White 1, Europe 1, Gold 4.
BenQ BenQ Electronic Products-Computer 1984 China (Taiwan Province Province), Ben 1, the pronunciation of Q is the same as the letter Q.
Biosoft Personal Care-Skin Care 1980 Japan, Bi 4, Ou 3, Lei 1, a brand of Kao in Japan, so it is pronounced in Japanese.
Biotherm in Personal Care in biotherm-Skin Care/Perfume 1975 French, White 1, Euro 0, Ze 4, me 0.
Bose audio electronic products-audio 1964 USA, not bao 4, si 0, but bou 4, si 0.
Braun Braun Personal Care-Personal Cleaning/Daily Supplies-Kitchen Supplies 192 1 Germany, bu 3, ruang 4
Budweiser Budweiser Beverage-Alcoholic Beverage 1876 USA, ba 4, de 0, wai 4, ze 4+ Children's Voice
Buick Buick 1903 USA, not biu 4, ke 0, but biu 4, yi 0, ke 0.
Burberry Sports Fashion 1856 In Britain, bur sounds like a wave, but it needs a third sound, and then berry sounds like bai 1, rui 4.
Bvlgari Bulgari Fashion-Clothing/Personal Care-Perfume 1884 Italy, bu 4, gai 1, Rui 4
Cadbury Cadbury Food 1905 UK, Kay 1, Germany 0, be 0+ Baby Voice, Rui 0.
Cadillac Cadillac 1902 USA, kai 1, de 0, lac is pronounced the same as lac.
Calvin Klein(CK) Calvin Klein personal care-perfume/fashion-clothing 1968 USA, KAI 1, OU 1, Wu, KE 3, lei 4,
Carlsberg Carlsberg Beer Beverage-Alcoholic Beverage 1847 Denmark, ka 1+ baby sounds, ou 4, si 0, be 4+ baby sounds, ge 0.
Carrefour Carrefour chain store 1957 France, kai 1, er 0, fo 4+ children's voice, Carre pronunciation is the same as care.
Casio Casio Electronic Products-Portable Equipment/Personal Accessories-Clocks 1946 Japan, ka 1, xi 1, Euro 4
Porsche cayenne 2002 germany, ka 1, yan 1
Sports fashion 19 10 method, sand 3, nai 4, euro 0.
Cheetos Cheetos puffed food food 1948 USA, the pronunciation of Chee is the same as that of chee, tou 4, si 0.
Chevrolet Chevrolet 19 1 1 USA, shai 1, WE 0, ROU 1, Lei 4, if it is not good, read his short name SHAI 1, wi 4.
Potato chips ahoy fun food 1963 USA, ahoy part reads e 3, Huo 4, Yi 0.
Chihuahua Chihuahua whisky drink-alcoholic drink 180 1 Scotland, the pronunciation of the pool part is the same as that of she, wa 4, si 0, rui 1 and gou 4.
Christian dior (CD) christian dior Personal Care-Perfume/Sports Fashion 1947 French, ke 3, ri 1, si 0, chen 0, di 3, or some of them are the same as words or pronunciations.
Colgate Colgate daily necessities-personal cleaning products 1953 USA, kou 4, gei 4, te 0
Compaq Compaq computer electronic products-computer 1982 USA, the pronunciation of com is the same as that of com in company, pai 4, ke 0.
Corvette Cowen Automobile 1953 USA, kuo3+ children's voice, wai 4, te 0.
Crest personal care-personal cleaning 1955 USA, ke 3, ruai 4, si 0, te 0
Desai Fashion Clothes 1978 Italy Desai 1 Zou 4
Dolci & Gabbana (D&) Sports Fashion 1985 Italy, Dolce Mao Dou 2, Qian 2,&; Send the letter n, Gabbana sends ga 3, ba 1, na 0.
Dove food/personal care-skin care/hair care 1957 UK, personal care, da 4, ve is pronounced the same as ve in have.
Dunhill Dunhill Personal Care-Perfume/Sports Fashion/Cigarette 1893 UK, Dan 1, Hi 4, Euro 0
Duracell battery electronic products-portable equipment 1920 USA, DIU 1, ER 0, RUA 1, SAI 4, OU 0.
Durex Durex daily necessities 1929 Britain, not du 3, rua 4, ke 4, si 0, but diu 1, er 0, rai 4, ke 4, si 0, ure is pronounced the same as ure in pure.
Ericsson Ericsson Electronic Products-Mobile Communication 1876 Sweden, ai 1, Rui 4, Ke 4, Sen 0
Espon epson electronic products-computer external accessories 1942 Japan, ai 1, pu 0, sang 4
Esprit Esprit Sports Fashion 1960 America, not ai 1, si 0, pu 3, Rui 4, te 0 but ai 1, si 0, pu3, Rui 4.
Estee Lauder Personal Care-Cosmetics 1946 USA, AI 1, Si 0, Tei 1, Lao 1, Deng+Baby Voice
Evian Evian mineral water drink-water 1962 France, not ai 1, wi 4, en 0, but ai 1, wi 4, ang 4.
Extra Yida Food 1984 USA, ai 1, ke 0, si 0, Chua 0.
Fendi Fendi Fashion-Clothing 19 18 Italy, Fan 1, Di 4
Ford Ford 1903 USA, fo4+ voice, de0
Gatorade Gatorade Beverage-Alcoholic Beverage 1965 USA, gei 1, te 4+ Children's Voice, Rui 4, de 0
Gillette's Personal Care-Personal Cleanliness 190 1 USA, this pronunciation is difficult to describe in Chinese Pinyin, and gives you the closest pronunciation. The pronunciation of zhe 0, lai 4, te 0 and lette is the same as that of let.
Giorgio Armani Personal Care-Perfume/Fashion-Clothing 1974 Italy, Jiao 1+ Children's Voice, Zhi 4,&; niobium (Nb)
Heineken-Alcoholic Beverage 1864 Netherlands, Shanghai 1, Northeast China 0, Ken 4
Hennessy Hennessy Brandy-Alcoholic Beverage 197 1 France, ai 1, ne 0, ssy is pronounced the same as cy in Nancy. The correct pronunciation is Anne C.
Hitachi Hitachi electronic products-household appliances 19 10 Japan, hi 1, ta 0, chi are pronounced the same as chi in pepper.
Hugo Boss Hugo boss sports fashion/personal care-perfume 1923 Germany, hiu 1, gou 4, bao 4, si 0
Ikea IKEA chain store 1943 Sweden, not a 3, ki 1, ya 4 but ai 3, ki 1, ya 4.
Intel Intel Electronic Products-Computer Internal Accessories 1968 USA, yin 1, tai 4, ou 4(L is pronounced the same as in gel).
Ipod walkman electronic product 200 1 USA, not ai 1, pou 4, de 0, but ai 1, pa 4, de 0.
Pronunciation difference between iPod and iPad: The former is pronounced as "love bubble", which means "love bubble", while the latter is pronounced as "love racket", which means "love racket" (Chinese phonetic notation may not be accurate, please refer to Steve Jobs' pronunciation, but it is definitely not love dot, and attach the phonetic symbol iPod /ɑ? p d/。 iPad /ɑ? p? d/
Kenzo Kenzō Takada Personal Care-Perfume/Fashion-Clothing 1970 Japan, ken 1, Zou 0
Kodak Kodak Electronic Products-Portable Equipment 1892 USA, kou 1, da 4, ke 0
Kafka Food 1903 USA, Division 3, Lua 1, Fu 0, Te 0.
Lacoste Crocodile Sports Fashion 1933 France, Le 3, Kao 4, si 0, te 0 (thanks to LilGrE3nZ for adding this brand)
Lays Foods 1938 USA, Lei 4, Si 0
Lego building block toy leisure toy model 1934 Denmark, Lai 1, Gou 0
Lincoln Lincoln Car 19 17 USA, Lin 1, Ken 3
Lipton Lipton Black Tea Beverage-Alcoholic Beverage 1890 UK, Li 4, pe 0, ten 0
Logitech electronic products-computer external accessories 198 1 Switzerland, lao 1, G(G pronounced with the letter g), tai 4, ke 0.
Longines personal ornaments-watches 1832 Switzerland, Lang 1, Zhien 4
L 'Oré al Personal Care-Skin Care/Cosmetics 1909 France, Lou 1 Rui 1 Ai 1 Europe 1
Louis Vuitton Louis Vuitton Sports Fashion 1854 France, Lu 4 Yi 0, wi 1, Tong 0.
Marlboro Marlboro cigarette 1902 UK, horse 1+ children's voice, Europe 0, cloth 1, Rou 4 (smoking is prohibited for minors).
Maybelline Maybelline Personal Care-Cosmetics 19 15 USA, Mei 1, be 0, Lin 4
Memory stick Duo small memory card Sony's electronic products-computer external accessories 1998 Japan, the Duo part is not DU 1, but du 4, ou 4.
Mercedes benz 187 1 Germany, men 3+ children's voice, sei 1, di 4, si 0, ben 4, zi 0.
Michelin Michelin tyre car 1888 France, m 1, she 0, Lin 4
Microsoft Microsoft computer software/electronic products-computer external accessories 1975 USA, Mai 1, Ke 1, Rou 1, Sao 1, Fu 4.te0.
Mitsubishi Mitsubishi motors 1870 Japan, MI 1, CU 1, BI 1, SHI4.
Miu Miu absurd fashion-clothing 1993 Italy, miu 1, miu 4.
Montblanc Montblanc Stationery 1906 Germany, Mang 4, Te 0, Bu 3, Lang 4, Ke 0
Mustang Mustang Ford's sports car 1964 USA, Ma 1, Si 0, is pronounced the same as Tan in tank.
Nautica Notica Sports Fashion 1983 USA, nao 1, ti 0, ka 0
New Balance New Balance Sports Fashion 1906 USA, Niu 3, Bai 1, len 4, si 0
New era sports fashion 1920 USA, Niu 1, Ai 1, ra 0.
Nike Nike Sports Fashion 1967 USA, Nai 1, ki 4
Nikon Nikon electronic products-portable equipment 19 17 Japan, not ni 1, Kang 0, but nai 1, Kang 0.
Nivea Nivea Personal Care-Skin Care191Kloc-0/Germany, ni 1, wi 1, ya 3
Oakley's personal accessories are in oakley-glasses 1975 are in the United States, not ao 1, ke 0, li 4, but ou 1, ke 0, li 4.
Olay Personal Care-Cosmetics/Skin Care 1949 USA, Europe 3, Ray 4
Omega jewelry-watches 1848 Switzerland, Europe 3, wheat 1, Ga 4
Oreo Aurio food 19 12 America, not ao 1, ri 4, ao 4, but ou 1, Switzerland 1, ou 1.
Pan Ting Pan Ting personal care-hair care 1992 USA, pan 1, ti 4, en 0 and tene are similar in pronunciation to teen.
Pentax Pentax Electronic Products-Portable Equipment/KOOC-0/9/KOOC-0/9 Japan, PEN/KOOC-0/,tai 4, ke 0, si 0.
Pentium Intel Pentium processor electronic products-computer internal accessories 1993 USA,
Pen 1, ti 4, e 0, m0 (m0 (the pronunciation of m is the same as that of m in boom).
Pepsi-cola Pepsi-cola beverage-non-alcoholic beverage 1903 USA, PAI 1, PE 0, si are pronounced the same as si in girls.
Pizzahut Pizza Hut Chain Store 1958 USA, not pi 1, sa 4, ha 4, te 0 but pi 1, za 0, ha 4, te 0.
Plavi daily necessities-cleaning products 1958 US, Pu 3, Lai 4, Zhi 0
Porsche Porsche/KOOC-0/93/KOOC-0/Germany, PO/KOOC-0/Children's Voice, SHA/KOOC-0/.
Prada Prada fashion-clothing 19 13 Italy, pu 3, ra 1, da 0
Procter & gamble company. P & ampg Procter & Gamble Group owns the famous SK II personal care/daily necessities 1837 USA, pu 3, rao 1, ke 0, te+ children's voice,&; Read the letter n, gan 1, bou 0.
Puma Puma Sports Fashion 1924 Germany, not piu 1, ma 0 but PUU 1, MA0.
Rado radar personal ornaments-clock 19 17 Swiss, rua 1, sinus 0
Reebok Reebok Sports Fashion 1895 UK, Switzerland 1, Ba 4, Ke 0
Rohto Letun Eye Drops 1899 Japan, Lou 1, tou 1.
Rolex Rolex personal ornaments-Watch 1905 Switzerland, Rou 1, Lai 4, Ke 0, Si 0
Samsung Samsung Electronic Products-Mobile Communication/Computer/Computer External Accessories/Computer Internal Accessories 1938 Korea, san 1, mu 0, Sang 4
Sanyo Electronic Products-Household Appliances 1950 Japan Sanyo 1 Easy 4 Friends 4
Sean John Sports Fashion 1998 USA, Sean is not si 4, en0, but Shang 4, en0.
Sharp electronic products-household appliances 19 12 Japan, Sha 4+ children's voice, pe 0
Shin ramyun New Lamian Noodles Food 1986 Korea, this pronunciation is similar to Chinese, China.
It's xin 1, pull 4, cotton 4. Korean is Xin 1, Na 4, Mian4.
Shiseido Shiseido Personal Care-Skin Care/Cosmetics 1872 Japan, Shi 3, sei 1, Yi 4, Dou 0
Siemens Siemens Electronic Products-Mobile Communication 1847 Germany, ci 1, men 4, si 0
Sony Sony Electronic Products-Household Appliances/Computers/Portable Devices 1946 Japan, Suo 1, NI 0
Starbucks Starbucks chain store 197 1 USA, si 3, da 4+ children's voice, ba 4, ke 0, si 0.
Swatch Swatch Personal Jewelry-Clock 1983 Switzerland, si 3, wo 4, chi 4
Chaochao daily necessities cleaning supplies 1946 Mattel 4, Germany 0
Tiger Asia Pacific Brewery Beverage-Alcoholic Beverage 1932 Malaysia, Thailand 1, Ge4+Children's Voice.
Tommy Hilfe Ge Tommy Sports Fashion 1984 USA, Hilfe Ge read hi 1, ou0, fi 4, ge 0+ children's voice.
Toshiba Toshiba electronic products-household appliances 1904 Japan, tou 3, shi 1, ba 0
Toyota 1933 Japan, tou 3, you 1, ta 1
Tylenol Tylenol 1893 USA, tai 1, le 0, nou 0.
Vicky Vichy Personal Care-Cosmetics/Skin Care (owned by L 'Oré al) 1909 France, wi 1, chy part is pronounced the same as she.
Vichy tool daily necessities-kitchen supplies 1884 Switzerland, WI 0, KE 0 head 1, RUI 1, A 1, NAO 4, KE 4, Si 4.
Volkswagen 1937 Germany, WO 4, KE 4, Si 0, WAI 1, GX nuxing fo: lksva: gen.
Whirlpool Whirlpool Electronic Products-Household Appliances191Kloc-0/USA, Text 1+ Children's Voice, Euro0, Pu4