If you are lucky enough to travel to Yangzhou, you will be attracted by her charming style. If you are lucky enough to meet a friend in Yangzhou, he may tell you a saying that Yangzhou people often say: "Water is packed in the morning and water is packed at night." You may be at a loss when you are new here, but hospitable friends will definitely take you to a teahouse near a canal or a small lake in the morning, invite you to taste the fragrance of Longjing, and then put on the famous Yangzhou soup-filling bag to tell you the story of this sentence: Yangzhou people get up early in the morning, and people who are not in a hurry to go to work like to go to the teahouse for tea, eat a cage of soup-filling bags, sip thick soup and chew it carefully. Listening to this story, I, a foreigner, fell into deep thought: eating soup buns in a teahouse is in line with the habits of my ancestors. But Yangzhou people used to take a bath every day. Are you too diligent? A little westernized? But from a scientific point of view, bathing with hot water every day can increase the blood circulation of the whole body and is good for health. I can't help secretly praising it.
Sitting on the edge of the canal and the Slender West Lake, listening to this ancient story, I think of Lu Xun's three pools reflecting the moon and the charming Jianghuai culture. She always wears a thin veil in front of me, which makes me think and daydream. ...