Self-care AIDS include

Self-care AIDS include the following:

Self-care assistive devices refer to assistive devices that help the disabled, the elderly and the injured to take care of themselves. The following are some common types of self-care AIDS:

Dietary assistance: including electric wheelchairs, walkers, anti-shake spoons, braille recipes, etc. , to help the disabled and the elderly to better carry out eating activities.

Excretion AIDS: such as portable urinals, urinals, incontinence pants, etc. To help the disabled and the elderly better carry out excretory activities.

Bathing articles: such as bath chairs, bath carts, non-slip mats, etc. Help the disabled and the elderly to keep balance in the bath and prevent slipping.

Dressing AIDS: such as clothes hooks, forks, trouser racks, etc. Help the disabled and the elderly to dress better.

Mobile AIDS: such as wheelchairs, walkers, crutches, etc. To help the disabled and the elderly to better carry out mobile activities.

Self-care AIDS: such as bedsore pad, portable oxygen bottle, glasses for the blind, etc. Help the disabled and the elderly to take better care of themselves in their daily lives.

Home accessories: such as handrails, guardrails, handrails, etc. To help the disabled and the elderly better carry out their daily activities at home.

The design and application of these self-care AIDS are aimed at helping people in need to better carry out their daily activities and improve their quality of life. For different assistive devices, it is necessary to choose and use them according to the specific situation and needs of individuals in order to achieve the best results.