What harm does drinking habit have to health?
Liquor and beer contain many carcinogens, such as polycyclic hydrocarbons and nitrosamines. These substances all contain electrophilic molecular characteristics, which directly act on DNA and cause blood circulation gene mutation. For example, chromosomal abnormalities can be found in the white blood cells of chronic alcoholics. Pregnant women will not only have teratomas, but also increase microsomal enzymes in tissues such as the liver, thus activating some carcinogens. In addition, long-term drinking will lead to the lack of vitamins and various trace elements, and promote the occurrence of cancer. Generally, a large number of drinkers smoke, and the toxic substances in tobacco are more soluble in alcohol, which has a strong synergistic carcinogenic effect. So we say that drinking a little wine may be good for your health, but if you drink a lot for a long time, it is absolutely not desirable. Therefore, avoid drinking alcohol.