Black pepper-the king of spices!
Who doesn't want health and longevity? We should all take it as the core! But with the growth of age, this related problem angered all of us, and we tried to change our eating habits and lifestyle to adapt to it. Besides quitting smoking, drinking and exercising in daily activities, a balanced diet is essential for health and longevity.
Let's look at the nutritional value of black pepper:
The secretion of hydrochloric acid in the stomach caused by black pepper can improve digestion.
Ayurveda black pepper tea is especially recommended to lose weight, because the outer layer of pepper skin is famous for the collapse of fat cells.
Fight depression. Piperine develops brain function and improves memory.
Reduce the harmful effects of cold and cough. Black pepper and honey were used together in ancient medicine in China to commemorate time. It can stimulate blood circulation, control mucus flow and inhibit cough, so it has a miraculous effect.
Improve skin quality and increase luster. Exfoliate with crushed black pepper, curd and honey to make blood circulation active and replenish more oxygen to the skin.
The antibacterial effect of black pepper can reduce infection and various insect bites.
Keep arteries clean and remove excess cholesterol from blood vessel walls, thus reducing the risk of heart disease caused by atherosclerosis.
Not only that, black pepper can also relieve toothache, peptic ulcer, prevent premature aging, treat dandruff, treat vitiligo, enhance male fertility, maintain oral health and control the rise of blood pressure.
In addition, the antibacterial compounds of black pepper help to preserve food, maintain its flavor and keep food fresh.
Now, please make sure that you are convinced of the positive effects of eating black pepper.