What kind of integrated ceiling is good?

Integrated ceiling is a well-known suspended ceiling product. A small integrated ceiling contains a variety of products, which can effectively solve people's needs for indoor decoration. Special suspended ceiling decoration can avoid some troubles. With the increasing demand for integrated ceiling, when using integrated ceiling, the utilization rate also increases slowly, and people will also buy integrated ceiling. At present, there are many different types of integrated ceiling, so which one is better?

What kind of integrated ceiling is better?

Look at the plate:

Observing the coating or film thickness of the product and the thickness of the substrate, it is found that the good pinch plate coating is only 0.02-0.03mm, and the film thickness is often below 0. 15mm; Inferior gusset plates often tamper with the coating or film thickness of aluminum substrates, usually by reducing the thickness of aluminum substrates, and adopting multi-layer coating or very thick film thickness on aluminum substrates. Even some aluminum substrates on the market are only 0.25mm, but the film thickness is 0.4mm Too thin aluminum gusset plates, too thick coating or too thick film coating will also reduce the performance of aluminum gusset plates.

Listen to the voice:

When you tap the integrated kitchen roof with your fingers, the metal sound of the integrated kitchen roof with better material is obvious and crisp, while the metal sound of the integrated kitchen roof with poor material is dull and not obvious.

Cost performance:

Under the pressure of increasingly fierce market competition, a considerable number of brands do not hesitate to destroy their brands, reduce costs, and sell them by recycling aluminum or OEM. Of course, there are also many businesses that shoddy, inflated retail prices, and then gave consumers big discounts. Many consumers are easily deceived by this. Unlike large-scale paving materials such as tiles and floors, integrated ceilings differ by tens of dollars per square meter, and the total price will be much worse; The kitchen area is tens of yuan per square meter, and the total price is several hundred yuan. Considering the use time of building materials products for more than ten years, it is almost negligible to spread them every year. Therefore, we can't just look at the unit price per square meter. In fact, it is very cost-effective to spend a little more money on the assured quality and best after-sales service of first-line brands.

Than environmental protection:

Ceiling is installed in a relatively closed and narrow kitchen space. If the product is not environmentally friendly, the decoration pollution can be imagined, so consumers should pay more attention to the environmental protection of the product when purchasing the integrated ceiling. All brands will say that their products are environmentally friendly, but the key depends on whether the products have environmental testing certificates and what level of certification they have obtained. The most authoritative independent testing organization in the world is SGS(Societe? General? De? Monitoring? S.A.), at present, the only product in the industry that has passed SGS testing is the LG health board on the top of the kitchen.

See agent:

It is necessary to choose a powerful ceiling brand agency company in the market, because at present, building materials brands all over the country basically adopt the agency system, which is based on the "sales+after-sales" service model of "who sells and who serves", which is completely different from industries such as home appliances or mobile phones (no matter what sales channels, as long as they are regular products, they can enjoy unified after-sales service in the after-sales service center). This requires consumers to choose a first-line brand when choosing a building materials brand, and also to investigate whether the agent of the brand is a self-employed or a company with strong ability to continue to operate, and to know whether the brand often changes agents, because once the brand changes agents, the after-sales service of customers will be in an embarrassing situation.


At present, due to cost pressure, only a few brands have their own full-time installation and after-sales teams. Basically, the guerrillas in the building materials odd jobs market have taken over the installation service of this link, but what about the installation quality and long-term use? The effect is difficult to guarantee. Integrated ceiling is a customized product, and only professionally trained technicians can guarantee the quality and use effect after installation. Full-time technicians with character are star-rated technicians who have been trained and certified by the ICEA Integrated Ceiling Installation and Acceptance Standards Alliance, and they are the most authoritative.

What kind of integrated ceiling is better? When you buy the integrated ceiling, you can choose according to these requirements, so as to ensure that the integrated ceiling you buy can meet the needs of the ceiling decoration in the living room and play its due role in the application of integrated ceiling to indoor decoration. No matter where the integrated ceiling is installed, it can be used in living room, kitchen and bathroom. People need to pay special attention to the requirements and skills of decoration to ensure that the integrated ceiling is installed correctly without any trouble.