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You often feel immersed in the ocean of dietary advice: drinking red wine is good for heart health; Avoid eating bacon and processed meat; Make sure your diet is full of "super food".
But if you know what to look for, healthy eating is actually very simple. Live Science brings together the best nutrition advice and the most relevant stories, so you can eat better this year.
Nutrition guide
There is no single "perfect" healthy diet. But American guidelines emphasize eating fruits, vegetables and whole grains instead of salt, sugar and saturated fat, which is a good start.
They said this:
Choose My Plate: Tools & Resources for Changing Diet Big Picture: What does the new dietary guidelines mean to you? Don't eat sugar. First of all, it is recommended by the American Nutrition Group. The American dietary guidelines ls may promote vegetables more than meat (oped). Should you be vegetarian? ""Is vegetarianism really better for you? It may depend on what your goal is. But science shows that it is ok to eat some meat in your diet-just don't overdo it.
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Meat may not be so bad for you. After all (but there are pitfalls), it is best to live longer by being vegetarian and lowering blood pressure. When it comes to healthy eating, it's hard to find something more praised than the Mediterranean diet. It is rich in fruits, vegetables, olive oil and fish, and is related to many health aspects from beginning to end in the study.
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Mediterranean Diet: Food, Benefits and Risks The Mediterranean diet may reduce the risk of breast cancer. The Mediterranean diet may be good for the brain. Women may reduce the risk of fracture. Mediterranean diet and anti-aging Mediterranean diet may prevent diabetes. Other dietary choices. If you are not angry with the Mediterranean diet, there are other healthy diets that still have a long way to go. The "DASH" diet of the American Heart Association, that is, the diet to stop hypertension, is not only called a healthy heart diet, but also a good diet for people who want to lose weight. A study shows that "Japanese diet" or the usual Japanese diet is related to longevity.
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Japanese diet is related to longevity diet and weight loss: what is the best way to eat it? Low-sugar dining table opens the door to sweets: although people once thought it was not particularly harmful, now a lot of research shows that sugar, especially added sugar, is particularly harmful to people's health. Too much sugar will increase a person's risk of developing type 2 diabetes and heart disease.
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How to fight the thirst for sugar? Why is eating too much sugar harmful to you? Adding sugar may increase the risk of heart disease and death. Infographic: What is the sugar content? The Science of Sugar: Is Corn Syrup the Same? Low fat Not all dietary fats are bad. In fact, more and more evidence shows that unsaturated fat is good for health. However, trans fats have proved to be so harmful that the FDA banned them as an ingredient in 20 15.
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What is saturated fat? What role does fatness play in B and Audi? Eating healthy fat can reduce the death caused by heart disease. Eating fat won't make you fat. Infographic: Different fat facts about trans fats. A low-salt body needs sodium-that is, salt-to work properly. But too much of this mineral will raise blood pressure, which will lead to a series of heart problems, including heart disease. The salt you sprinkle on dinner or add to your diet is not the main reason for sodium in your diet; On the contrary, most of the sodium in the diet comes from processed foods.
More information:
Salt Debate: How much sodium is excessive for your diet? FDA's New Salt Target: Which foods have changed the most? Six ways to preserve natural, organic and genetically modified sodium: what does the label mean and what is the relationship between them? Reading food packaging sometimes seems like a word search, but what does the food manufacturer mean by labeling your favorite snacks? Sometimes, a label doesn't exactly represent what it says. For example, a "reduced sodium" product can still contain a lot of sodium-this label only means that it is 25% less than the "normal" version of the same product. In other cases, like the word "nature", it doesn't mean anything at all. More information:
Food labeling: The definition of natural organic edible organic products can limit the exposure of pesticides. Organic meat may have a higher risk of parasites. Genetically modified organisms: facts about genetically modified foods It is easy to choose healthy foods when eating healthy foods. See the summary of tips in Life Science.
9 Snacks: Healthy or not? 6 simple ways to eat more fruits and vegetables 10 scientific tools for eating well and new methods for eating healthily In today's digital world, there are many scientific tools that can help you eat healthily.
10 the best diet and nutrition application healthy eating skills: using technology to order food 10 the best food scale was first published in the journal of life science.