1. Wechat Click on the official account card of "Bijie Traffic" WeChat below to enter the official account page of WeChat, and click to follow the official account of WeChat.
2. Click the "Service" menu below to enter the "E-Pass" submenu.
3. Click "Pass Application" to enter the Pass Application interface.
4. Enter enterprise information, including the name of the enterprise applying for license, the contact person applying for license, and the contact telephone number applying for license. Click "New Enterprise" and "Next" to jump to the interface for entering information of people and vehicles.
5. Enter the information of people and vehicles, including license plate number, road transport license number, license plate color and vehicle identification code, and click "Add Vehicle" to complete the vehicle information entry. Driver information includes: driver's name, driver's ID number, driver's contact telephone number and driver's qualification certificate number. Click "Add Driver" to complete the driver information input. Vehicle attendant information includes: vehicle attendant's name, vehicle attendant's ID number, vehicle attendant's contact telephone number and vehicle attendant's qualification certificate number. Click "Add Vehicle Attendant" to complete the information entry of vehicle attendant (if there is no vehicle attendant, this information is not needed). Upload materials, including: driver's health code, screenshot of driver's 48-hour negative nucleic acid certificate, driver's boarding code, attendant's health code, screenshot of attendant's 48-hour negative nucleic acid certificate, and attendant's boarding code. Click "Next" to jump to the tourist information interface.
6. Enter travel itinerary information, including shipping company information, receiving company information and cargo information. Shipping company information includes: shipping company name, origin of goods, detailed address of origin, shipping contact person, and shipping contact number. Click "Add Company" to complete the information entry of the transportation company. The information of the receiving company includes: the name of the receiving company, the destination of the goods, the detailed address of the receiving place, the receiving contact person and the receiving contact telephone number. Click Add Company to complete the information entry of the receiving company. Fill in the material information: the name, quantity, weight and transportation time of the entrusted materials. Click Next to jump to the interface of the competent department.
7. Select the competent department, select the audit department corresponding to the materials, and click "Submit" to wait for the management department to audit. By default, the audit department corresponding to this item is selected.
8. Check the records. You can see the submitted records and detailed information in the application tab interface. For more information, you can see why the record failed the audit.
9. Check the pass. The management department can view the approved pass, and the communication recorded after approval can be viewed through the application tab interface.