Taking Viagra has great side effects, for example, you will have a certain dependence on drugs. Actually, whether it's Viagra or other drugs. If you take medicine, you will depend on it for a long time. Therefore, it is not recommended for male friends to achieve the purpose of aphrodisiac by eating Viagra. Instead, it is better to exercise, exercise, and make your endurance stronger in a healthier way.
After eating too much viagra, if you don't eat it in the future, you will lose confidence. In fact, many people feel that they can't do it. They feel that they can't do it psychologically and physically. And many people will take some aphrodisiacs when they feel bad. In fact, there are not many advantages and many disadvantages for yourself. Because if you take Viagra regularly, you will be particularly dependent on this medicine. Once you don't have this medicine, you will bring yourself to the realm of failure. Then naturally your self-confidence will be more affected.
So to sum up, I think Viagra can really strengthen yang, but it has great side effects. If there is a male friend around you who wants to achieve the purpose of aphrodisiac by taking viagra and other drugs, I think you can persuade him to exercise more. Or take other food supplements to regulate your body and try not to take medicine.