Can ants cure diseases? What disease can be treated?

Patients with liver disease can eat ants to treat liver disease if they are indigenous.

1. Ant is a kind of high-value nutritional insect, which is rich in protein, amino acids and trace elements necessary for human body. The protein content per 100g ant is ten times higher than that of chicken, fish and beef with the same weight, and the zinc content per 1000g ant is as high as 120.

2. Take 5g (one teaspoon) of ant powder each time and put it into the cup, then pour it into boiling water at 100℃ and mix well. The nutrients of ant powder are dissolved in boiling water and cooled, and taken together with ant powder particles, so that it is easy to be fully absorbed by the stomach. If the acidity is too strong, you can add appropriate amount of sugar or honey to drink together (except for diabetics). You can also soak ant powder in wine and separate the wine with gauze when drinking.