Is the hydrogen absorber the same as the hydrogen ventilator?

The hydrogen absorber is the same as the hydrogen ventilator, but the name is different.

Hydrogen molecules have selective antioxidant, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. After hydrogen enters the human body, it can react with harmful oxygen free radicals in the body and eliminate harmful free radicals, thus protecting human health, enhancing resistance and preventing diseases. At the same time, hydrogen has been used as an unlimited food additive in various countries, and various research results show that hydrogen has no side effects on human body. Under the condition of ensuring no hypoxia, the more pure hydrogen inhaled, the better for human health. Hydrogen is absolutely safe, and the larger the dose, the better. This is recognized by researchers all over the world.

Chen Jiuhe molecular ventilator and Shanghai Hui Mei have good effects, and the effect is better with hydrogen cup and hydrogen molecular cabin.