How to remove yourself from the WeChat health code?

Wechat health code can't be published without me, but you can rebind your local code after exiting. Because the local code operation in different provinces is different, I can only take Gansu operation as an example.

1. Open WeChat to find me first, and then find the payment as shown in the figure below:

2. Find the epidemic prevention and health code in the payment as shown in the figure below:

3, open the local epidemic prevention and health code as shown in the figure below:

4. Drop down the health code page and find the exit login, as shown in the figure below:

5. Then find and get the mobile phone number, and click.

6. Click "Use another mobile phone number" so that you can change contacts.

7. Fill in personal information

8. Then you will be asked to do face recognition, and you can change to yourself after the recognition is completed.