A tutorial of Photoshop changing the dynamic size of GIF

A tutorial on Photoshop changing the size of GIF animation

We often upload animated pictures in Gif format to websites or send them to friends. But sometimes the picture quality is too high, which leads to unsuccessful uploading/sending. Let's explain how to reduce GIF images with Ps.

1. First, we find a picture in GIF format and check its size.

2. Then we use Ps software to open this picture. At this time, you can see the frame number of the picture and more layer files.

3. without changing the content, we can directly click "Open"-> "Save Format for Web and Devices" (D), and press the shortcut key Ctrl+Shift+Alt+S.

4. In the pop-up page, we can directly modify the value of "color". At this time, you can see that the color table below will change accordingly.

5. After that, click "Save"-save to the specified location. At this time, the quality of the file itself has been reduced, and the picture produced by this method is equivalent to the pixels of the original picture, which is more convenient to transmit.

Note: When you open a gif picture that needs to be modified, you don't need to change any layers, just save it as a format for the Web. ;