How to judge whether potatoes are ripe for digging?

The methods to judge whether potatoes are ripe include observing plant leaves, observing flowers, pressing potato skin, touching the surface of potatoes, observing the color of potato skin and so on. The specific picture is as follows:

1. Observe the leaves of plants: When the leaves of potato plants start to wither, lodging and gradually become thinner, it means that potatoes are gradually maturing.

2. Observe the flowers: When the potato plants bloom, observe the color and quantity of the flowers. Generally speaking, when potatoes are ripe, the flowers will turn yellow and the number will decrease.

3. Press the potato skin: Press the potato skin gently. If you feel that the surface of the potato is elastic, not soft and collapsed, it means that the potato is mature.

4. Touch the surface of the potato: When the surface of the potato becomes smooth and hard without obvious depressions or protrusions, it usually means that the potato is mature.

5. Observe the color of the potato skin: When the color of the potato skin becomes dark brown or reddish brown, it means that the potato is ripe.