English composition of weight loss health plan

Is it in the form of a letter to Peter?

Dear Peter:

Losing weight and feeling good is something that almost everyone wants to do. This is a difficult process that requires determination and motivation. It takes many steps, but the most important thing is to stick to it. The first step to lose weight is to throw away all the junk food in your house. The less you see, the less you want to eat. The less you want to eat, the less you eat. The second step is to start a healthy and balanced diet. In order to lose weight and keep it, you must develop good eating habits. You must stay away from fried foods and foods that contain a lot of fat and carbohydrates. The third step, which I think is the most important step, is exercise. A healthy diet will only keep you from getting fat, but exercise can make you lose weight. Take some time out in the evening or morning and start doing sit-ups or sit-ups. Walking is also a very simple and excellent exercise. Spend less time on TV and computer and take a walk every day. I believe you will lose weight and feel better!

Your friend,
