60-year-old driver's license downgrade new rules

The new regulations for the demotion of 60-year-old driver's license are: you must pass health examination, you must attend continuing education, you must have your eyesight checked regularly, your driving time is limited, and you must take qualification examination and skill examination.

1, must pass the health check.

Drivers aged 60 and over must pass a health check to maintain their driving qualification. If the inspection results show that drivers have health problems, their driving licenses may be cancelled or downgraded.

You must attend continuing education.

These drivers must attend driving continuing education courses to ensure that they understand and abide by the latest traffic rules and road safety standards. If they fail the course, their driver's license may be cancelled or downgraded.

3. Be sure to check your eyesight regularly.

These drivers must have their eyesight checked regularly every year to ensure that they have enough eyesight to drive safely. If the results of the eyesight test show that they can't drive safely, their driver's license may be cancelled or downgraded.

4. Restricted driving time

Drivers aged 60 and over can only drive at certain times. They need to observe the prescribed driving time limit to ensure their safety and smooth traffic during the morning and evening rush hours.

5. Qualification examination and skill test

These drivers must pass the qualification examination and skill test to ensure that their driving skills are safe and skilled enough. If they fail the exam, their driver's license may be cancelled or downgraded.