Health education of pancreatic cancer

Clinical manifestations of pancreatic cancer

1. Abdominal pain is an early symptom of pancreatic cancer, which is more common in pancreatic body and pancreatic tail cancer. It is located in the upper abdomen, navel or right upper abdomen. It is characterized by colic, paroxysmal or persistent dull pain, radiating to the back, aggravating in lying position and at night, and can be relieved when sitting, standing, leaning forward or walking.

2. Jaundice can occur at a certain stage in the course of the disease. Generally, jaundice is more common in pancreatic head cancer, which appears earlier. When cancer is confined to the body and tail, there is no jaundice. Jaundice is mostly obstructive, progressive deepening, accompanied by itchy skin, urine color like strong tea, stool color like mud. Most of them are caused by the compression of common bile duct by pancreatic head cancer, and a few are caused by the metastasis of pancreatic body and tail cancer to liver or liver/common bile duct lymph nodes.

3. About 90% patients lose weight rapidly and significantly, and pancreatic cancer is often accompanied by cachexia in the late stage. Causes of emaciation include cancer consumption, loss of appetite, anxiety, insomnia, and digestive and absorption disorders.

4, fatigue, loss of appetite is very common, and may be accompanied by diarrhea, constipation, abdominal distension, nausea and other gastrointestinal symptoms. Some cases may have fatty diarrhea, hyperglycemia and diabetes. If you don't like fatty dishes, there will be fatty diarrhea, which is a diarrhea symptom in which fat is not digested and mixed with feces.

5, due to cancer ulceration or infection, but also due to secondary bile duct infection and fever.

6. Thrombophlebitis of limb veins can be seen in some cancers of pancreatic body and tail, leading to local limb edema. 7. There are generally no obvious signs at the beginning of physical examination. Typical cases are emaciation, jaundice and upper abdominal tenderness. Nodular and hard masses can be touched in the upper abdomen in the late stage. If jaundice is accompanied by gallbladder enlargement, it is an important basis for pancreatic head cancer. Hepatomegaly can often be found due to cholestasis. For example, splenomegaly can be palpated when tumor compresses splenic vein or splenic vein thrombosis occurs.

8. Patients with advanced pancreatic cancer may have ascites, and the left clavicle or the front of rectum may have a hard swollen metastatic lymph node depression.


Some researchers believe that patients over 40 years old should be suspected of pancreatic cancer if they have any of the following clinical manifestations: ① obstructive jaundice; ② The recent unexplained weight loss exceeded10%; ③ Recent unexplained upper abdominal or lower back pain; (4) recent unexplained dyspepsia and normal barium meal examination of digestive tract; ⑤ Sudden diabetes without any factors, such as family history or obesity; ⑥ Sudden unexplained fatty diarrhea.

1) CT scan should be the first diagnostic examination. This scanner does not depend on surgery and is not limited by the patient's body shape and gastrointestinal gas. It can determine liver metastasis, lymphatic diseases and peripheral vascular invasion, but it is not reliable for the diagnosis of lesions less than 2cm or peritoneal nodules. CT can judge the patient's disease stage and provide information for inoperable cases. If distant metastasis, invasion of adjacent organs, wrapping or invasion of blood vessels and swollen lymph nodes are found, the tumor cannot be surgically removed. However, the CT diagnosis of resectable tumors is not accurate enough. CT-guided percutaneous fine needle biopsy can be performed because a definite histological diagnosis is needed, especially for patients who cannot be operated. (2) Ultrasound examination is cheaper and easier to obtain than CT, and it can see liver, intrahepatic and extrahepatic bile duct tumors, and its sensitivity and specificity are above 90%. The accuracy of ultrasonic diagnosis is limited by the operator's skill, the patient's hypertrophy and gastrointestinal gas. Usually, ultrasound examination is a supplementary examination of CT.

5) Fine needle aspiration (FNA) cytology guided by 5)CT or ultrasound can diagnose pancreatic cancer with an accuracy of 76%~90% and a specificity of almost 100%. FNA may be particularly useful for pancreatic tail and body injuries or metastatic lesions when there is no indication or unwillingness to perform surgery.

The above are the clinical manifestations of pancreatic cancer, and the diagnostic auxiliary examination methods.

Judging from what you said, pancreatic cancer can basically be diagnosed, and it can also be transferred for consultation. If it is pancreatic cancer, a 75-year-old man. Chemotherapy and surgery are unbearable for her, and only symptomatic treatment and nutritional support are available.