Drinking beer in moderation is healthier than banning alcohol?

Experts have found that regular moderate beer intake-that is, 1~2 glasses (350 ml) of beer a day-is good for both men and women, especially when you are facing aging or suffering from the most common diseases. And the following seven benefits you dream of, beer can bring you.

● Maintaining heart health: A large number of studies have shown that moderate drinking, including beer, can reduce the risk of heart disease. Among men with healthy lifestyles, moderate drinkers have a lower risk of heart attack than teetotalers by 40%~60%.

● Protecting blood vessels: The risk of fatal and non-fatal heart attacks is reduced in hypertensive male patients who drink beer in moderation. Drinking beer in moderation is also helpful to prevent thrombosis and ischemic stroke.

● Reduce the risk of diabetes: Studies have shown that moderate drinking by diabetics can also reduce the risk of coronary heart disease, the biggest killer. Studies have also shown that drinking alcohol can increase insulin sensitivity or anti-inflammatory effect.

● Improve cognitive ability: Is beer good for the brain? The answer is yes. A report published in the Journal of American Heart Association in 2006 shows that moderate drinking may make women gain better cognitive ability. Coincidentally, some studies have said that the risk of Alzheimer's Harmo's disease is lower than that of alcohol prohibition and alcoholism when the elderly over 65 drink 1-6 alcoholic drinks per week.

● Make bones strong: Studies show that beer can prevent bone loss and rebuild male bone mass, but it is not good for young women and postmenopausal women. It is said that the silicon content in the beverage may be high. However, excessive drinking will greatly increase the chance of fracture.

● Maintain vitality: moderate drinking is inversely related to total mortality. People who drink 1~2 glasses of wine every day seem to have the lowest risk of death, which may be because beer can prevent coronary heart disease and stroke.

● Feeling healthier: According to a study in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, beer drinkers are less sick and feel better about themselves than abstainers.