How to make bouncy balls with eggs?

The experimental process of elastic eggs is as follows:

1. First prepare three tools: an egg, white vinegar enough to drown the egg, and a container enough to hold the egg. It should be noted that this egg must be raw and the surface is not damaged. The container for eggs should also be large enough, and there should be enough room left when the eggs are put in.

First, put the eggs into the container, and be careful not to break them. After that, pour enough white vinegar into the container. Note that the white vinegar must be completely free of eggs. Never use colored vinegar, so the elastic eggs will be opaque. Then put the eggs in a cool place and wait for two days.

3. After pouring white vinegar into the container containing eggs, some strange phenomena will appear at this time. For example, on the surface of an eggshell, there will be many small bubbles. The whole egg, with the passage of time, will even float. And all this is normal.

After two days, we can take out the eggs. At this time, the eggshell on the surface has been basically corroded. As long as we are careful, we will wipe off the remaining eggshell residue. What is left is a thin layer of egg skin, wrapped in elastic eggs, with egg white and yolk inside.

Drop the prepared elastic egg gently on the table, and you will find that it can bounce back. But it should be noted that, after all, there is only a thin layer of egg skin left at this time, wrapped in eggs. So once the force is too strong, it is easy to break the egg skin, causing the egg white and yolk inside to flow out.

Principle of elastic egg: The main component of eggshell is calcium carbonate. Acetic acid reacts with calcium carbonate to produce carbon dioxide, which is bubbles on the surface of eggs. Carbon dioxide bubbles adhere to the surface of the egg, which increases the buoyancy of the egg, so the egg will float. At the same time, calcium carbonate will also generate calcium hydroxide in the presence of water, which will reduce the content of calcium carbonate in eggshells, gradually corrode and soften eggshells, and finally leave soft eggshells.