Besides the four pests and hygiene, what do you mean by the four pests?

The movement of eliminating the four pests was the first movement in a special period. At the beginning of the movement, the four pests were defined as mice, sparrows, flies and mosquitoes. After being unanimously opposed by zoologists, 1960 redefined the four pests as mice, cockroaches, flies and mosquitoes. Four pests: mice, mosquitoes, flies and cockroaches. The density of four pests is an index to measure the health level of a city in time, and it is also an essential index to create a healthy and civilized city. Implementing the work of eliminating the four pests is conducive to safeguarding people's health, safeguarding people's health, and promoting the coordinated development of workers and peasants' production and social economy.

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The harm of rats

In industry, transportation and communication, rats bite cables and wires, causing damage to precision instruments, traffic paralysis, communication interruption and fire.

In agriculture, about 5% of the grain produced every year is captured by rats, and the world loses 50 million tons of grain and hundreds of millions of dollars every year. Rats carry a variety of pathogens, which seriously endanger human health. In history, the number of people who died of rat infectious diseases far exceeded the sum of all previous wars.

What diseases can mice spread?

Rats can carry more than 20 kinds of pathogens, such as bacteria, viruses, rickettsia, parasites and so on. Among them, 57 kinds of diseases that can cause diseases and do great harm to human beings are plague, epidemic hemorrhagic fever leptospirosis, tsutsugamushi disease, forest encephalitis, tick relapsing fever, endemic typhus and wild fever.

What are the common methods of killing rats?

In addition to environmental management and rodent control, the following methods can be used for rodent control outside the facility.

① Physical rodent control methods: including the use of mousetraps, mousetraps, mousetraps, electric mousetraps, etc.

② Drug rodenticide: chronic anticoagulant rodenticides such as bromadiolone and Dalong are used, and acute rodenticides are prohibited.


Harm of mosquitoes

What diseases do mosquitoes mainly spread?

Mosquitoes can spread more than 80 diseases by biting and sucking blood, and there are more than 380 known mosquito species. Among them, there are three genera of Anopheles, Culex and Aedes that can spread diseases. It mainly spreads malaria, filariasis, epidemic hepatitis B encephalitis and dengue fever.

What are the pest control methods?

The most fundamental method is to control mosquito breeding sites, thoroughly remove the accumulated water on which mosquitoes depend, and then kill adult mosquitoes by spraying chemicals in space, fumigation, indoor spraying alcohol, soaking mosquito nets and other methods.


The harm of flies

What diseases can flies spread?

What diseases can flies spread?

Flies can carry more than 60 kinds of pathogens, including bacterial diseases: typhoid, paratyphoid, bacillary dysentery, cholera, salmonella dysentery and so on. Viral diseases: traumatic diseases, such as polio, hepatitis, smallpox, etc. : anthrax, tetanus, gangrene, pyogenic cocci infection, etc. It can also spread protozoonosis and parasitic diseases. In addition, adult flies can also bite and suck blood to spread diseases such as trypanosomiasis and malayan filariasis; Parasitism of fly maggots leads to maggot disease.

What are the main methods to kill flies?

The most fundamental way to eliminate flies is to effectively control the breeding places and products of flies.

O environmental governance

Including immediate removal of garbage and feces, elimination of sanitary dead corners, and improvement of environmental sanitation quality. , so that flies can't reproduce.

O fly prevention facilities such as screen doors, air curtains, air ducts, water curtains and waterways can be used to prevent flies from entering; You can also use fly catching bottles, fly catching cages, fly killing lamps and fly killing sticks to catch and kill flies.

O Insecticides commonly used in drug fly killing include pyrethroids, organophosphorus, etc. And flies can be poisoned by spraying wine, painting, homemade poison bait, poison fly rope, etc. Insecticide aerosol can also be equipped at home to spray flies.


Hazards of cockroaches

Cockroaches are no less harmful than mice and flies. He not only chewed clothes, books and paintings, but also got into all kinds of electrical appliances and bit the wires, causing unexpected failures. Spitting while eating pollutes food.

Many diseases, such as appearance, dysentery, hepatitis B, poliomyelitis, roundworm, tapeworm, Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus Niger, seriously endanger people's health. At the same time, the excrement and secretions of cockroaches can also cause various allergic reactions in people with sensitive physique.

It can also enter people's ears and cause ear diseases.

How to effectively control cockroaches?

O Keep the environment clean and tidy, remove rubbish and sundries, clean the dead corners and remove cockroaches.

O Blocking holes and plastering seams, using cement to block and fill holes and gaps in cockroach breeding hiding places, timely repairing gaps in furniture and leaking faucets, blocking all kinds of abandoned exposed pipes, and eliminating or minimizing cockroach breeding places.

O collect food and good feed, remove scattered and residual food, and treat the feet of water in time to reduce the trend of cockroach food and water source.

O Check the articles entering the room, remove and kill cockroaches or eggs in time to prevent cockroaches from being brought in.