1. If a qualified foreigner applies for permanent residence in China, he/she or the parents or clients of unmarried children under 18 shall apply to the public security organ of the Municipal People's Government or the public security bureau or county bureau of the municipality directly under the Central Government where the main investment or long-term residence is located.
2. After accepting the application, the public security organ shall investigate and verify the applicant's situation according to the prescribed application conditions and report it to the Ministry of Public Security for approval. Foreigners who have been approved by the Ministry of Public Security to reside permanently in China shall be issued with a permanent residence permit by the Ministry of Public Security.
3. If the applicant is abroad, the Ministry of Public Security will issue a confirmation form for the permanent residence status of foreigners. The applicant holds this confirmation form to apply for a "D" visa in China's embassies and consulates abroad, and to obtain a "foreigner's permanent residence permit" from the public security organ that accepts the application within 30 days after entry.