Is there really reincarnation?
People will not be reincarnated after death, but will be taken to the place where the soul should go, heaven or hell. People don't disappear after death. After the death of people who believe in Christ's salvation, their souls will go to heaven and be with Christ for a thousand years. Here, a thousand years only represents a perfect integer, that is to say, believers begin to die until the end, so the thousand years of each dead believer are different. Look at the following two verses. Philippians 1: 23: "I am in a dilemma. I would rather die than be with Christ." Because it's excellent. "Revelation 20: 4" I saw thrones, and some sat on them, and judgment was given to them. I also saw the souls of those who were beheaded for testifying to the words of Jesus and God, and the souls of those who had never worshipped animals and animal images, and there were no animal images printed on their foreheads and hands. They all came back to life and lived with Christ for a thousand years. The devil's greatest deception is the illusion of reincarnation. The following examples are all real events, and they are all reincarnation phenomena confirmed by scientists. A little girl named Martha, only two and a half years old, once attended a party in a village with her grandmother, and suddenly pointed in horror at a woman who had just passed by her, with a frozen smile on her face. She cried, "She will kill me again. "The little girl later told her grandmother that she had lived before. The woman who passed by her hired a gangster to kill her four-year-old Rem and play with her brother. When his brother called him Rem, the little boy replied, "I'm not Rem, I'm Mr. Jane." "After that, he told me everything about past lives. He said that he used to be a very rich businessman, and others called him Mr. Jean. He died ten months before little Rem was born. Mata is only two years old. She claims that the home she lives in now is not her real home. She said that her other home is a small village four miles away from her present home. When she was a member of another family, she fell into the water and drowned when she went to fetch water from the well. These three samsara events were confirmed by Dr. Savant Pasricha, the chief psychologist of the famous Indian National Institute of Mental Health and Neuroscience. Dr. Sha made a very complete investigation on the statements of the three children. The truth behind it is that the evil spirits of witchcraft implant the past living materials of the deceased into the minds of the parties by approaching them. These materials are usually true and private, and only the deceased or their close relatives know. Just because all the information is in the minds of the parties concerned, people think it is true. The best polygraph in the world can't tell lies, because liars believe what they say is true. Just like all the scientific test results, including hypnosis, lie detection and other expert methods, have proved the correctness of this test, and they themselves believe it. In addition, the evil spirits of witchcraft can imitate people's dead souls. These evil spirits are ghosts themselves, so ghosts are of course imitators of human beings. Many so-called experts or some people are convinced of the existence of ghosts because the spirit they see is real. Therefore, I believe that people are possessed by the necromancer and talk to people, but I don't know that this ghost is not the soul of the dead, but the real evil spirit. Reincarnation, ghosts, heartfelt activities, persuasion, objects moving by themselves, magic, all kinds of witchcraft and so on. They are all special techniques controlled by these demons, and the Bible also points out that reincarnation itself is a big lie. When people die, the soul immediately goes to the place prepared for them. If a person is saved and belongs to God, his soul immediately enters the third heaven and stays there until God brings him back. After the death of the body, the human soul no longer contacts with the world. And those who are not saved will enter the underworld, and it is impossible for them to leave the underworld, even for a short time. (34: 28, Bo 14: 2 1, Lu 16: 26)