Is the lower the body fat rate, the healthier it really is?

No, not being fat does not mean being healthy. Too low body fat rate will also have some bad effects on you.

1. is prone to serious heart problems.

Low body fat content will affect the normal function of cardiovascular system. Low heart rate, also known as bradycardia, can lead to dizziness, fainting and cardiac arrest. At the same time, other electrolyte imbalance caused by low body fat content (not to mention calorie intake) will lead to arrhythmia and sudden cardiac death.

2. The energy level plummeted.

When the fat is exhausted, the human body has no energy reserve; Due to lack of energy, it is impossible to show the best level of exercise. Furthermore, low body fat content is related to slow heart rate and decreased thyroid hormone secretion, which will aggravate fatigue.

3. Always feel cold

Body fat plays an important role in keeping body temperature and providing warm function for organs. People with low body fat always complain of chills. Low body fat content can also lead to thyroid dysfunction and hinder the body's temperature control function.

4. Training is frustrated

After about 20 minutes of exercise, the body will run out of carbohydrates for energy and use fat as energy. If the amount of fat available for energy burning in the body is too small, the sports performance will be greatly reduced.

5. Muscle can't recover from exercise

When the body fat content is too low, the level of glycogen (carbohydrate stored in muscle and liver) will also be too low, and glycogen plays a vital role in the body's recovery from exercise.