What are the characteristics of a person who lives to be eighty or ninety years old?

With the improvement of living standard and medical level, the average age of people is getting longer and longer. In Shanghai and Beijing, the average age of residents is over 80. However, longevity is still an unattainable luxury for many people.

Although the secret of staying young is still a mystery, the similarities between super-long-lived old people around the world may give us some clues on how to live longer and make our bodies younger and stronger.

1. Keane

There is a gene for longevity. If at least one of your parents is 95 years old or above, you may live to be 100 years old. This is true even if there are significant differences in your socio-economic status, sports activities, diet and other living habits. However, longevity is very complicated. Our longevity is related to many genes. If you have some genes that are fatal to cancer, then other genes that promote longevity may play a small role. If you want to live a long life, you must need a series of genes to serve you. However, on the road to being a hundred years old, we can actually control more things than we can imagine. For example, if one twin smokes and the other one doesn't, the smoker is 5.4 times more likely to get lung cancer than the other twin, which seriously affects his life span.

Their illness has been postponed.

The researchers found that the age of many centenarians with age-related diseases such as cancer was delayed 18 to 24 years old. So they can avoid some serious diseases and easily live to 100 years old. This is due to the longevity gene at work.

3. They eat healthy food

One of the similarities of long-lived old people is that they don't eat high-fat and high-sugar foods. For example, the Mediterranean diet prevails in Sardinia, where fish, fruits, vegetables and healthy oils are abundant and usually purchased locally; The same is true of Cilento, where the diet is rich in olives and rosemary; Okinawa's traditional diet includes a small amount of fish and pork, as well as a lot of vegetables, beans, tofu, seaweed and complex carbohydrates, especially purple sweet potatoes.

They won't eat too much.

One of the characteristics of many centenarians is to control their diet. Eating too much will bring pressure to the metabolic system, and may also affect factors that accelerate aging, such as oxidative stress, inflammation and insulin sensitivity. In fact, research shows that in most biological model tests, calorie restriction is still the most powerful strategy to keep healthy and prolong life.

They have always loved activities.

Physical activity is not only related to health, but also to longevity. Studies have shown that 2.5 hours of moderate activity per week can prolong life expectancy by about 3 to 4 years. Many Changshou villages in the world are in rural areas, because their work often consumes more energy than sitting in an office. Most centenarians exercise or work regularly, which makes their arteries very young and clean.

6. They like outdoor activities

Part of the advantage of living in the country is that you can have open land, which is very suitable for gardening or walking. People can walk to their neighbors' homes and even work or run in fresh and clean air. Enjoying nature in outdoor activities can bring many benefits to people, including the feeling of happiness and love for life, which in turn will form a virtuous circle.

7. They are not alone

Centenarians usually have rich social activities. They maintain good social relations with others, which is beneficial to their physical and mental health. Research in recent years shows that a powerful, real rather than virtual social network can make breast cancer and heart disease recover better.

8. They feel respected

In areas such as Okinawa and Sardinia where there are many centenarians, there is a culture of great respect for the elderly. Old people are a part of daily society, not being locked in nursing homes, which may make them feel good.

They have a goal in their life and social activities.

In areas where there are many long-lived elderly people, the elderly have been very busy. For example, many elderly people in Okinawa like traditional knitting, which helps them to truly integrate into society, actively participate in life and communicate with others. Having a clear sense of purpose in life will reduce stress. And when they think they need to pay for their families, children, land or other purposes, they are unlikely to give up.

10. They keep a positive attitude.

The living habits and living environment of centenarians vary from country to country, but they share a positive attitude. When difficult situations arise, they will actively adapt and remain optimistic. This enthusiasm, coupled with a higher level of self-awareness, seems to protect centenarians from depression and other diseases. When you are not sick, you are more likely to live longer.