Gaia: The goddess of the earth, a follower of the goddess of the night, is one of the founders of the world, who created the earth, the sea and the sky.
Rhea: One of the twelve Titan gods, the wife of Cronus.
Oceanus: or one of the twelve titans of Oceanus, the water god. It has bred all the rivers on the earth and 3000 sea fairies.
Mnemosyne: One of the 12 Titan gods, the God of Memory. The mother of nine muses (literary goddesses).
Simis: One of the twelve Titan gods, the goddess of order and justice. Fate and the mother of the four seasons.
Artemis, (Greek α ρ ρ ε μ ι δ; The goddess of hunting and moon, one of the gods of Olympus 12, is also regarded as the protector of wild animals.
Akso (α κ ε σ ο, Akso), the goddess of health, has the image of a young woman holding a bowl with a snake. She is the god of medicine in charge of health, safety and medical treatment in Greek religion.
Demeter (Greek Δ η μ η η η η η η η; Demeter), the goddess in charge of grain, is also the goddess of abundance.
Hestia (Greek ε σ τ α; Latin Hestia), the kitchen goddess of one of the 12 gods of Olympus, was born by Cronus and Gaia.