How to judge health from palmprint

Throughout the ages, palm prints have always been very attractive. What's the secret in the palm print? How to judge health status from palmprint? Palmprint can be used not only to identify identity and judge parent-child relationship, but also to judge human health.

How to judge health from palmprint

Many old Chinese doctors have studied the diagnosis of palmprint. In modern medicine, you can also judge the health status from palmprint, which has many unexpected uses.

Palmprint and Hereditary Diseases-The classic example of dermatoglyphics and Hereditary Diseases is the diagnosis of 2 1- trisomy syndrome. Dermatoglyphics summarizes several special dermatoglyphics of 2 1- trisomy syndrome: plantar tibial arc, palm single bend (broken palm) or distal trigeminal point, etc. So that doctors can screen 70% patients with 2 1- trisomy syndrome only by dermatoglyphics.

Judging IQ by palm prints-The latest research shows that various lines and fingerprints on the palm may reflect a person's IQ level. People with IQ below 70 or learning difficulties have obvious palmprint patterns. For example, there will be more curved or circular lines on fingers and more irregular wrinkles on palms.

Palmprint is related to life span-we have heard that the lifeline of the palm is related to life span, and some studies have proved that this may not be completely superstition. Not long ago, a famous doctor at the Royal Hospital in Boston, England, made a statistical study on 100 autopsies. By finding out the year of birth and death, the doctor proved that the length of lifeline is really related to the length of life.

Why can palmprint judge health?

If you can agree to see, listen and ask, it is not difficult to understand the information contained in the palm print. The theory of traditional Chinese medicine will answer this question: the parts and the whole of the human body are dialectical and unified, and each part is closely related to the viscera, meridians and qi and blood of the whole body. These determine that when diagnosing and treating diseases, we can understand the health status of internal organs of human body through external changes such as facial features, body shape and color pulse.

For example, just like the relationship between the monitor and the host, the hand is an important part of the human body, and it must carry the nerve reflex information of all parts of the human body. On the one hand, the information of human internal organs is intertwined and arranged together, forming a picture of life.

First of all, the subcutaneous blood circulation of the palm is rich and the microcirculation is dense, which brings a lot of bioelectric and abiotic information;

Secondly, the concentration of nerves around the palm is closely related to the brain and heart;

Third, the meridians on the palm are very concentrated. Of the 0/2 meridians of the human body/KLOC-6 pass through the hand. All these structural features show that there is obvious correlation between the hand and the internal organs.