JOE's Life Experience
I graduated from the Business School of Jilin University in 2005 with a bachelor's degree in management and a master's degree in journalism from Northeast Normal University in 2009. Joined Jilin Academy of Social Sciences in August 2007. Since joining the work, I have worked as a research assistant and researcher in the library of Jilin Urban Development Institute. In recent years, he has participated in the 2007 Library Congress of China Academy of Social Sciences, the biweekly youth academic forum organized by the Youth Research Association of our college, the preparations for the first Northeast Urban Development Forum in 2008, and the second Northeast Urban Development Forum in 2009. In 2009 and 20 10, he participated in the compilation of Northeast City Yearbook. In the scientific research work, we will continue to pay attention to the development of urban social security and study the development of urban brands, urban public management, urban culture and so on.