Is low fat = healthier?

Although many people think that reducing fat intake is the best way to live a healthy lifestyle, reducing these foods will have a negative impact on your health. People who eat a lot of butter, cheese and meat live 23% longer than those who eat less fat. So, does this mean you should eat garlic bread and pizza? Maybe not! These diets still contain a lot of fat and carbohydrates. If eaten in excess, blood sugar will rise and fat will be deposited.

People on a low-fat diet replace foods high in saturated fat with foods rich in carbohydrates, such as pasta and pizza. This has a negative impact on their cardiovascular health and puts them at higher risk of death.

Of course, it's okay to eat delicious Margaret slices occasionally, but eating them often may damage your chances of achieving your fitness goals. The importance of finding the right balance

Like most foods, finding the right balance of low-fat products is essential to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

More importantly, fruits and vegetables contain a high proportion of starch, but research shows that it is also important not to eat too much.

The study emphasizes that three to four servings of fruits and vegetables provide the best benefits, rather than the recommended five servings a day.

Generally speaking, pure research shows that about 35% of a person's calories come from fat.

Andrew, a researcher at McMaster University? Dr. mante accepted. Telegram? The interview said:? Our data show that a low-fat diet increases the risk of cardiovascular disease.

It will be the best choice to relax the restrictions on total fat and saturated fat, and restrict high carbohydrate to reduce the intake to a medium level. ?

How do people adjust their diet according to the latest suggestions?

If your recent research results make you reconsider your diet, there are some simple ways to introduce healthier fat into your daily intake.

First of all, avocado is a great choice. Like most other fruits, they mainly contain carbohydrates, which contain about 77% fat and 40% more potassium than bananas.

Peanut butter is another good choice. High protein and healthy fat, spread some on brown bread as a delicious post-exercise snack!

Eggs are another good choice. Besides being rich in protein, they are also rich in lutein and zeaxanthin, which can protect eyes from diseases. Throw them into a delicious salad, or mix them with some quinoa to make a delicious filling.

Tip, don't forget to drink more water. Many times, when the body needs water, people eat snacks. Even if it is hot drink every day, make sure to drink enough water. The European Food Safety Agency (EFSA) recommends 2.5 liters per day for men and 2 liters per day for women.