Eating hairy crabs is like drinking. Eating too much will be counterproductive. There is a simple reason. Crab yolk and crab paste are the best for hairy crabs, but they contain the highest cholesterol. According to statistics, every100g of crab paste or crab roe contains 466mg of cholesterol, and every100g of crab meat contains 65mg of cholesterol. Epidemiological surveys around the world have confirmed that high intake of cholesterol and saturated fatty acids in the diet will increase the levels of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood, thus increasing the chances of cardiovascular diseases and diabetes. Moreover, the crab itself is cold and has a great influence on the stomach. Eating too much can cause diarrhea, allergies and other symptoms. From the point of view of healthy diet, the daily intake of cholesterol should be below 300mg, and a hairy crab is close to the demand of cholesterol for two days. It is suggested that eating crabs must be controlled. Don't eat more than 2 crabs at a time, and eat at most 2 to 3 times a week. If you eat two or three crabs at a time, eat them at intervals next time. Pay special attention to the three high people. It is best to eat only crab meat selectively, and eat less or no crab paste. In order to avoid excessive intake of fat and cholesterol, it is suggested to reduce the intake of other meat, viscera and eggs when eating crabs, and eat more fruits and vegetables to reduce the absorption of fat and cholesterol and promote metabolism.
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