What is the definition of health put forward by the World Health Organization?

The World Health Organization defines health as a state of physical and mental perfection and good adaptability, not just a state of absence of disease and weakness. To meet the health standards, generally speaking, the following conditions should be met:

1, good cardiopulmonary function.

The heart and lungs are the main internal organs. A healthy heart, with developed myocardium and large heart capacity, is generally a good phenomenon, which can make the heart rest for a long time after beating and is not easy to get tired. You can reserve your physical strength for physical labor, and even if you are responsible for heavy physical labor, you will not feel uncomfortable such as palpitation and dizziness due to tachycardia.

Healthy lungs have larger vital capacity than the general population, better lung gas exchange, developed chest, strong respiratory muscles and slow and deep breathing. Breathing 10 times per minute can meet the body's demand for oxygen. This efficient and labor-saving breathing method can prevent respiratory organs from overworking and respiratory diseases.

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/health.people.com.cn/gb/n1/2019/0725/c14739-31255747.html "target =" _ blank "title = People's Daily Online-12 Various early warning performances show that the body is in a sub-health state.

/health.people.com.cn/gb/n1/2019/0725/c14739-31255747.html "target =" _ blank "title = People's Daily Online-12 Various early warning performances show that the body is in a sub-health state.