Excuse me: What is Corian Photography?

Kerian Photography, the English name is Kirlian photography, also known as killian Photography and Stereo Photography. It was accidentally discovered by Xie Miao Davidovic Kirian, an engineer of the former Soviet Union, at 1937. Kerian photography is a photography technique based on corona discharge. Under high pressure, all kinds of organic and inorganic substances will be sensitized on the photosensitive latex, resulting in glow surrounding phenomenon. This kind of photography is often used in mysticism to prove the immortality of the soul.

It is said that Kerian photography can describe the "energy field" of the human body, which is usually invisible. In the process of photography, an object, such as a person's palm, is placed on the photosensitive latex in a device that can generate high voltage (15000 to 100000 volts), low current and high frequency. The photo taken will produce a halo around the subject.

Supporters of Kerian photography believe that these special auras are related to acupuncture meridians and acupoints, and claim that "energy field" can show changes in health and emotional state. Kerian photography also claims to be able to judge the effect of chiropractic.

However, scientific researchers have proved that the effect of Kerian photography is only a physical factor that scientists have long understood.

Kerian photography is named after Xie Miao Davidovich Kerian (1900- 1980). Kerian, a Russian electrical engineer, observed that when an electric spark passes through photographic emulsion, it can take "photos of itself".

This phenomenon has been known to physicists and electrical engineers since the invention of early photography technology. But in 1939, Kerian claimed that he had discovered the supernatural human energy field.

The process of Kerian photography requires equipment with high voltage, high frequency and AC power supply. The basic process is the phenomenon of "corona discharge"-this phenomenon occurs when the electrode forms an electric field and the grounded object is influenced by the electric field and emits an electric spark. When these electric sparks pass through the negative, they can produce beautiful halo spraying effect.

Kerian himself doesn't understand scientific principles. He believes that this fuzzy halo area around an object is caused by its "energy field".

Russian scientists don't care what he says.

However, in the early 1960s, Russian newspapers and magazines reported that he was a "great discoverer". After the news spread, journalists and pseudo-scientists from Europe and America came to him one after another, and then there was an upsurge of "learning energy field" and "exploring biological energy field".

It is said that Kerian photography can detect all diseases (even before symptoms appear) and emotional states. Many "energy therapists", "Eye of the Sky" and other mysterious therapists still rely on Kerian photography today.

In any case, scientific investigation found that there are many factors that affect the photo results, such as film type, instrument voltage, body surface resistance, grounding, air humidity, exposure time, photo development time, and even the order of taking pictures. In addition, a coin and a drop of water can create a Kerian "energy field" like a living body.

In fact, there are at least 22 physical, chemical and photochemical characteristics that can affect the corona discharge imaging results of Corea photos.