What is the way to eat full breakfast at McDonald's breakfast time?

They sell breakfast in America. It is a collection of many typical American breakfast foods.

fried egg

This is scrambled eggs with milk. It should be loose, with pepper and salt when eating, so it is different from the scrambled eggs with pork belly.


There are sausage patties and long sausages. Bacon is the two main meats of American breakfast, and it can also be eaten alone.

English muffin

That is, the bread part of pork fillet eggs can be made into sandwiches or directly heated with butter or jam of sweet cakes.

thin pancake

In China, McDonald's is translated into a hot sweet cake coated with butter and syrup.


Salty, can be made into cakes, common for breakfast, or can be made into pieces with pepper and salt and dipped in tomato sauce. I've never heard of dipping in jam. Now Taco Bell has also introduced a Hash Brown corset, which is also salty.

You can combine them at will according to your personal taste, but if you must say the correct way to eat, please refer to the above and eat according to American habits.